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Problem after rearming

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As anyone had this trouble with the new patch? There's been a few times where

i land and rearm then i go search for a target and im not able to lock on to it and i cant fire my missles i push the release button and nothing happens. Anyone else experience this problem?

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i havent had this problem - at least not yet. And i have rearmed quite a few times. Is it reproducable?

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Never had this problem either.

I've nottest that it won't reload the chaff and flare count after rearming. I thought this had been fixed.

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I just did a little testing on the chaff/flares thing.


I didn't have any problem getting them replensihed when rearming but ther was one thing that looked a little odd:


If you look had the chaff/Flares counter by you right elbow (a little hard if you havent dont the view constraints tweak) you can see that the first time your counter reaches zero it cycles back all the way from 99. After rearming there just is the number that the counter shows initially. 28 i think.

I rearmed multiple times without problem though. Both gunrounds and chaff/flares gets replenished

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Yeah its happened to me twice GhostDog its very strange. it brings up the weapons on my hud and i can see the tvm working but its like the weapon pods are empty and i cant fire anything off.

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Ghostdog, have you try it in multiplayer?

This happened in mp.

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to Hammer:


Is it in the same mission or is there any 100% sure way of reproducing it? ... or is it just a random thing


To JJ:


I havent noticed it during MP but i will test it tonight.

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It happened on the vehicle hunt mission and on zzzzz sound test mission

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I think i figured it out GhostDog i had to resave all my missions to the new patch

i just copied and pasted the folders after i installed the patch instead of saving each individual mission

it seems to be fine now. thx for the help

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