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Warp Question

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I'm sure it's probably been asked already and the answer is probably "no"...but is it possible to change it so that when warping (for us non-DiDers) you don't get knocked out of warp anytime any plane comes within 8 miles of the flight? Maybe have a 4 mile radius instead? Stuff 8 miles away is often too far to engage or be a threat unless we are flying right towards one another. If it can be done, any help would be appreciated.






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Actually, the way it is set now is 4nml. Basically if you can see it on the 4 mile ring it will kick warp off. When I fly I set the "radar" ring to 4 miles, I agree 8 is a little far out for our purposes. As soon as the contact leaves the 4 mile circle you can start hitting x and you will warp unless the guy is hanging just outside of the ring.



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You can deminish the radar circle by pressing Ctrl. + Shift + T

Do that repeatedly to switch through the various distances it offers.

No idea, if the distance-to-enemy will shrink too by doing this.

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Alright, thanks for that, Unc.

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