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1967-1973 Israeli recon planes?

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Anyone know which plane the Israeli used as their primary recon between 1967 and 1973 including both wars? IIRC they never picked the Mirage IIIRD so have no idea what they used, old Misteres or Ouragans? Or maybe a locally produced recon pod for Mirage III??

Will be great to know


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israel air force employed mirage 3 cj in this period.they did some "ad hoc"recon variants, including small number of the regular fighters, by changing noses.the randome section was substituted by new noses contining photo cameras according to the kind of mission they wanted to cover.tarmil and univershal were the more common suits, but they had at least 3 variants of the nose "pack"

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Yes, an amazing page, not only by the Mirage but for other the planes, ballons, drones... as well.

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