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I have been trying to figure out how to get EricJ's wonderfull F-18 Superhornet to incorporate waypoint markers in the compass ribbon accross the top of the hud, like the one's used in the equally wonderfull MF F-18A. The A model seems to be different than most A/C in the way that the hud is modeled from within the cockpit ini. not from the avionics ini.

............This would be a good time for me to confess that I know squat about modding grin.gif but the only way to learn is to try cool.gif


So I figured that the A would be a dead end for someone with my limited skills experience in this kind of thing......So I turned to the only other plane that I know of having this particular feature, the EF2000......did I mention that it's wonderful to?

In the EF2000 they call this function a steerpoint, so I added some extra lines into the f-18f's avionics.ini.























and I added this







then I took the HUD_STEERPOINT.tga from the EF2000 and copied it into the cockpit folder of the f-18 where all the other tga files are.......went and fired up the game........everything loaded up and worked, but no joy on getting a steerpoint marker no.gif


Can anyone point me in the right direction on what other steps I will need to do to get this working?




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Hi romflyer,


Well first of all I would suggest ignoring the whole steerpoint issue, when I built the typhoon I was experimenting with alot of stuff, and much like you I wanted to see if there was a function for waypoint indication in the HUD, the avionics file certainly has a reference to it. but there are alot of functions in TW series games that have not been implemented yet (or may never be) one example is the brake chute, like the Typhoon any aircraft that has one is really using a 'cheat' to make them work.


you may have noticed there is no working steerpoint indicator in the Typhoon either, just the lines in the .ini (which caused alot of frustrations......search through the support topic and you will see what I mean)


some modders have created HUD's with a greater range of information by creating the symbology directly into the 3d mesh of the cockpit, effectively creating semi transparent instruments in line with the HUD glass, there are downsides to this i.e they don't use the 'shader material' that normal HUD's use and they stay fixed in position, unlike the normal HUD's where as you move your view beyond the edge of the HUD the symbology all fades out etc, also not all of the HUD's functions can be created this way and you end up having a mix of both, this in turn creates a weird 2 shades of green HUD, in my oppinion visually unappealing.


so there you have it, until flight sims become popular to the masses and half the globe starts buying TW sims, I'm affraid this particular function won't be implemented (cost is usually the issue)


having said that please don't stop trying new stuff, I learned this stuff in exactly the same way you are trying to do, the Typhoon was my 1st ever model, and I ended up creating something which has some fairly unique avionic features for this sim.


good luck!


Craig (bongodriver)

Edited by Bongodriver

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Well Craig thank you for your response, I must admit it has been a little bit since I loaded up the the Eurofighter and for some reason I was sure that it had the waypoint markers functioning dntknw.gif so I figured I would use it to learn how they worked........after I read your post I ran to my computer and loaded it up and sure enough.....no steerpoints, I think that the way you have done the the HSI is what I was thinking of, it is easier to keep track of the waypoints when the moving map spins relative to your plane.

Needless to say the next time I sit down for an evening of flying I will be loading up your very impressive piece of work, and by the way I just read that you are working on a new one.....that is very exciting clapping.gif


I'm not sure if you have spent any time in the original MF F-18A but the steerpoint markers work in that plane, and perhaps if you where to poke around under the hood you could figure out how they got them to work.


Actually.....how difficult would it be to import the EF2000 HSI into another aircraft like the F18f?

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The old TMF FA-18 ( pre WOE , 2004 or so ) has the steerpoint/ waypoint marker build into the HUD as a normal gauge

A avionics.dll supported steerpoint and waypoint marker is not coded as of latest May 2010 patch

No idea if it ever will happen.. nut I hope that TK is doing it for the F-14 game ...

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I'm not sure if you have spent any time in the original MF F-18A but the steerpoint markers work in that plane


some modders have created HUD's with a greater range of information by creating the symbology directly into the 3d mesh of the cockpit, effectively creating semi transparent instruments in line with the HUD glass,


The old TMF FA-18 ( pre WOE , 2004 or so ) has the steerpoint/ waypoint marker build into the HUD as a normal gauge


So like Crusader and I both said, the game steerpoint function is not implemented, and any working steerpoint indicator is a kind of workaround or 'cheat'


the reason I won't add this function into the HUD is I don't like the mix of game HUD and built in HUD, also not possible to import the HSI to the F-18, again it is a function built into the model.


As crusader said, let's hope the F-14 game brings some new functionality into the game, rest assured the Typhoon will be updated to make full advantage of any that does.

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Thanks to both of you for taking the time to answer my questions

I really am looking forward to seeing what Craigs next Eurofighter looks like.......any teaser screenshots of the cockpit that you might be able to share grin.gif

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