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Anyone use a G940 for SF2?

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Logitech put out a software and firmware update earlier this week. Since applying both, the stick's force vs. deflection curve isn't set by SF2 anymore. It keeps the default force vs. deflection curve instead, which feels like crap compared to what I had before.


The old software won't recognize the G940 with the new firmware, and they have no way to go back to the previous firmware version.


Others have posted similar complaints on Logitech's forums, for other games.


You may want to hold off on updating if you have a G940.

Edited by JSF_Aggie

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Could you explain more about 'feels like crap'?


I don't have a G940 but have been thinking about getting one recently, and this sounds very off-putting... to put it mildly :yikes:

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Before the firmware update, the force curve was very smooth and ramped up as your defection increased. Also, the stick stiffened up as you approached mach 1.0


Now, the feel is very mechanical, and the force is linear across the curve. Now, one axis effects the other, and it did not before. For example, if you were in the top left corner, and went directly to bottom left corner, you feel a detent as you pass through zero pitch. Before the update, you would not feel it.


Now, there is a slight effect based on airspeed, but is very little, even if you compare zero airspeed on the runway, vs. mach 1+.


I wouldn't count out this HOTAS. I really liked it before the firmware update. I would think Logitech will give us a fix or a way to go back, however many are asking how to go back to the previous firmware version, and they have not yet answered.

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So is it firmware or software or both? I have the G940 but last time I checked the pre-release software was still the most recent there was. I would've sworn I checked last week...anyway, thanks for the heads up, and I'll think carefully before I install it!

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It's both. On the Logitech site you'll just see a download link for the software. Once you install the software, it'll put an .exe in your program folders that you can run to update the firmware.


Some of the new features are not available in the software until the firmware is updated. Once you update the firmware, there's no way to go back, at least not yet.


I don't know if it is the firmware or the software driver that changes the stick forces. I didn't try the stick until I updated both. Once you update the firmware, the old software won't recognize the HOTAS.


People keep asking on the Logitech forms if they will provide a way to roll-back the firmware, but they have not answered.

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Well, I installed the software but not the firmware...then went on a week-long cruise and haven't had a chance to check it with a lot of my programs!

In DCS it seems better. I think the FW is the one that's messing with the FFB effects so I'll hold off on that for now.

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