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Short Stirling For Egypt

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Anyone have a pic of what one was painted like? Need it for the 1948 campaign.

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Yeah, I can do this one no probs. The map is a bit weird, does anybody have the original UV Map? I'd like to see the proper scale of the meshes so I can draw the lines. I can take a guess I supoose, but the original map would be better.


Is it grey, silver, or white? Time to do some research!



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Yeah, I can do this one no probs. The map is a bit weird, does anybody have the original UV Map? I'd like to see the proper scale of the meshes so I can draw the lines. I can take a guess I supoose, but the original map would be better.





Talk to Veltro about the UV maps.



Is it grey, silver, or white? Time to do some research!


I was thinking the same thing. They look silver. But damn if I really know.

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From ACIG.org


Colours and Markings


The exact colours of the Stirlings are unclear. When they were in the service of Trans-Air the aircraft were natural metal or aluminium overall. Registration markings were in large black letters on the fuselage and over the upper and lower wings. The ‘OO’ was on the port wing, the two letters being separated by the outer engine and the remaining three letters evenly spaced out on the port wing. The name ‘Trans-Air’ was placed below the cockpit about half way down the fuselage. In Air Transport service the name ‘Air Transport’ was placed under the cockpit. In Egyptian service they may have been camouflaged or they may have been left in natural metal. They would have worn Egyptian roundels for the period above and below the wings and fuselage sides. Serials, if carried, would have been in Arabic and placed on the fuselage aft of the roundel. They would most likely have been repeated under the wings facing opposite directions as per RAF practice.

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looks almost like dull, unpolished natural metal.



kevin stein

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what happened to your font size there, JimB??? Water a bit cold??? :rofl:



kevin stein

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Definate "shrinkage"lol! Seriously, noticed the difference and couldn't seem to work out what happened. Anyway, I've got the maps from Ed, and I'll start working on this beast after the Halifax. Today, I'm having a day off to play the WoR mod though.



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