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Mirage Factory F-18 HUD Change

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The mirage factory HUD kinda....sucks. It is nothing like a real F/A-18 HUD, theres no CCIP, all numbers are hard to read. Is there any mod or instruction on how to change it?

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Guest rscsjsuso5

hey crazygood150 welcome to the modding community , about your comment of the f-18 , i don't want to be the one to say don't use the word "suck" about any aircraft as others will come down on you hard about that , people put their heart and soul into building an aircraft of great value and quality, MF has built wonderful planes and continue to do so. I would suggest you read the read me instructions/ instruction included , then you should contact the creator itself, also if you are lucky people here who will help you out as we need more info. from you about the aircraft and what game is it, full disclosure means files etc..


welcome and enjoy your stay.

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The Mirage Factory guys are here. The Column5.us forums are here. You probably posted this in the correct place but as mentioned maybe not in the best way. The modding community is cohesive and generally likes constructive involvement over straight up criticism. You have to remember that without them there wouldn't be a HUD to begin with regardless of it's current release condition. So dig in and welcome to the community.

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Hold on folks... this might be his first post, but he registered with us back in 2009 on April 17th... over a year ago!


Listen bro, if you've visited this site in the past, you should know for a fact that using terms such as "suck, worthless, crap, garbage, etc..." are unacceptable ways of describing someone's work here. There are multiude of ways for you to have addressed this appropriately... such as... "I'm having a problem with this HUD and can't seem to find a solution", or... "is this normal for the HUD to look like this? <insert image and explain what you're showing>", or... "is there a way to add this feature into the HUD?" By asking it in this manner, you might recieve a much more positive response from the community. I for one would have jumped at the chance to help you out since I've done some HUD work in the past. You should use this as an opportunity to edit your post and correct it in a more appropriate manner. I believe I have given you enough examples to go by on how to edit it. By the way, since you have registered with us over a year ago, and this is your first post, where have you been all this time? I find it odd that now you decide to participate with the community and make this your first impression with us. So as I said, use this as an opportunity to edit your post... oh, and here's a tip... might want to appologize to the Mirage Factory.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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I suggest you take the advice that has been offered, edit your post, ask for help and apologize to the guys who took their time to do the work. The only option is to build your own. Welcome to the forums, with that in mind, please try to not start your posting here by getting folks mad at you.

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then you should contact the creator itself,


that might be a bit difficult; difficult at best, as the creator of the Hornet has left this world for the next one.


and to crazygood ... tone it down friend.



kevin stein

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As you can tell by the posts on this thread, rudeness is not very well received here.


Constructive critiques are welcome as long as it is just that...constructive.


However, even that only goes so far if you do not actively contribute to the commmunity...or worse, do not do sufficent research before posting something. It's easy to point out faults...it's much harder to actually contribute something useful. Considering how long you have been a member here, you should have known better.


In this case, if you had done a bit of searching, you would have figured out fairly quickly, that the F/A-18A from the MF was built and put out before the code to have advanced avionics (Avionics70.dll) had been incorperated into the sim, therefore, the MF had to come up with some workarounds. Since then, there have been updates, and a modernized HUD for the F/A-18A is available.


I invite you to explore the site, including our Knowledge Base, and the search function, to find the answers you need. If, after doing some of your own research, you find yourself at a loss, we will be happy to help you so long as you treat others and their creations (which you get for free) with respect for the hard work and time they put in.


With that, this thread is closed.



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