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Still locks up

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Even with the new patch the game still freezes up sometimes when im playing and theres no way to get out unless i reboot very frustrating this could really be a great flight sim

if it wasnt for all the bs

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Before you bought the 6800 Nvidia card...what did you have? ...and did it lock it up?



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I had a 5900 ultra and yes it would lock up then also and i know im not the only one who is having this trouble

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Some things to try:

- closing all background apps before playing lockon

- different drivers for your GPU.

- driver updates for chipset, soundcard, etc.

- turning sound acceleration down a notch.

- if you are overclocking, see how it runs with default clocks.

- Bios update.

- using 4x AGP instead of 8x.

- AGP fastwrites and Sideband addressing disabled.

- if your system is installed in APIC mode (ACPI uniprocessor PC), change back to PIC mode by choosing ACPI PC in the Device Mngr, then on reboot go into your Bios and disable APIC. This is something i had to do to get some of my Audio applications to run stable.


Good luck.

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I don't get any major lock-ups anymore in LoMac. Clocking my gfx card to hard will do it though. Even on settings that works for other games

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