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Hi everyone!


Im modding a WOE campaign and, when any of my plane reaches 1.200 km/h... the "windsound" stops! could anyone help me fix that? thx a lot!!!

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Is not a bug. Is because around that speed you go faster than sound.

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Im stupid!!!!! of course you´re right!!! hahahaha but then... i have a bigger problem... cause i have a "windsound" with radio chat... and i want to keep hearing the radio chatter at every velocity... do you know how?

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because radio wavs travel at 300000 k/s???



kevin stein

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Yes, i know but, do you know how to do to make the chatter audible beyond 1.200 km/h? thx!

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If you want to replace the windsound name with a cockpit chatter/ATC.sound, and want it to sound right (that is, not like you're listening to guys huffing helium :yikes: )Extract the AIRCRAFTOBJECT.ini from the objects.cat, and place it in the objects folder. Open it up, scroll down to the following section, and perform the following, highlighted edits:
























Close the file, accept the changes, make sure it's in your objects folder, and you'll be good to go :good: just remember, this is a global setting, so every aircraft will be effected. I've not tried it on an individual, plane by plane basis, but it may work there, too (the pertinent lines would go into the model's in the data.ini).

Edited by Fubar512

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Thanx Fubar, but the Hellium talking is not the problem, i want to avoid the "breaking the sound barrier" effect that makes the windsound stops at aprox. 1200 km/h... could you help me with that, please? xD

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Thanx Fubar, but the Hellium talking is not the problem, i want to avoid the "breaking the sound barrier" effect that makes the windsound stops at aprox. 1200 km/h... could you help me with that, please? xD


I already did: MaxFreqSpeed=3000.0 m/sec

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I did what you told me... edited the aircraft object like you told... but still stop the sound when reaches 1.200 km/h... xS

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I did what you told me... edited the aircraft object like you told... but still stop the sound when reaches 1.200 km/h... xS


If you followed the steps, and it had no effect, that means that it's hard-coded in the .dll files, and can only be changed by the programmer (TK).

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Ooooooh... well we cant have all that we want.... xD Thanks anyway for your effort trying to solve my problem Fubar, you`re cool!

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