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30th anniversary_Empire Strikes Back!

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Forgive if someone posted before me, but 30th anno for one of the best films of all time! My personal fav and first Star Wars film seen at age 7. I dedicate this weekend to it. Please post pics, vids and thoughts on this wonderful film!


Edited by dsawan

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probablt the best scene in this film.


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Nice to see that again. Gotta get the DVD.


I always loved the very brief scene, before the camel(?) takes out the power supply and non~chalantly tilts its head and fires a quick burst that swats down one of the little "luke" mini fighters (I suppose).

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probablt the best scene in this film.



Remind me of battle of the bulge (I mean, remind me of what I've seen on movies or read on books, I was not there, of course). Snow and a lot of enemies coming in their indestructible machines.


A pity George Lucas forgot how he made the first three and could'nt do it again wtih the new SW movies.

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That's the point, actually. Lucas was incredibly frustrated with the original trilogy because he couldn't do things the way he wanted and kept struggling with the available technology to get things done.

By the time of the prequel trilogy he had both the tech and the money to do it EXACTLY as he envisioned it...and we got what we got.


I remember standing on line for over 2 hrs to see ESB, over a month after release! Two things I remember: they were selling drinks and snacks to people waiting in line, and they were even selling the comic book adaptation Marvel did. I had my parents buy it for me, but they (rightly) said I couldn't read it until after the movie so as not to spoil it. That would've SUCKED had I read about the "I am your father" scene first!

The other thing I clearly recall was someone in the line had brought a radio and Gary Nunan's "Cars" was playing. I think it was around 10 years before I heard that song again and realized I hadn't imagined its existence.

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