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50 cal gun converance for wing guns

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I noticed tonight that the 51's wing guns are converging at long range (looks like 600 yrds). I got a habit of shooting at .02nm or 200 yrds depending on the sim I'm playing (SF2, IL2 WOP). Is there a way of ini edit the gun converance for .02nm for SF2 P-51D and the SF2 Spits?




Reason for edit: spelling

Edited by FalconC45

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It should be easy... if you know trigonometry :grin:


The relevant parameters are the gun aim angles in data.ini

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If you look at the mustang's data ini, you'll find an extra space in 3 of AimAngles= statements, remove the space, and see what happens.


Having added it enough times on my ww2 mods ... :crazy:


Actually, you're looking for convergergence at 200-250 yards. You can even change them in pairs (iirc some Jug aces used to do that --350, 300, 200, 250 for each pair)


the problem with the Spits, would be the 20mm and 303s have completly different ballistic trajectories (and sometimes, the 303s had been replaced by Browning 50s)


edit: ammo count is off, too methinks ... my IDF Spit 9 (based off DATs Mk.VIII), used 350 for the MGs, and 120 for Hispano (TK cannon rounds are correct). I KNOW that data is accurate from somwhere...just can't remember where.. Modelers Datafile on Merllin Spits? Mushromm Yellow??? ????



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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edit: ammo count is off, too methinks ... my IDF Spit 9 (based off DATs Mk.VIII), used 350 for the MGs, and 120 for Hispano (TK cannon rounds are correct). I KNOW that data is accurate from somwhere...just can't remember where.. Modelers Datafile on Merllin Spits? Mushromm Yellow??? ????



kevin stein


No, TK has provided the correct ammo amount for his Spits, the two .50cal MGs in the E-wing had only 250 rounds each, while the .303 MGs in the C-wing had 350 rounds each. I just checked that in Haynes' Owners Workshop manual for the Spitfire. (And no, I'm not building my own Spitfire...I wish I could though.) :grin:

Edited by Gocad

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you dog, you!!! the mechanic in me loves those kind of books!!!


thanks, GC!



kevin stein

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the problem with the Spits, would be the 20mm and 303s have completly different ballistic trajectories (and sometimes, the 303s had been replaced by Browning 50s)



kevin stein


This is not a problem, since you can always separate them into primary and secondary gun, with different keystroke for each.

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If you look at the mustang's data ini, you'll find an extra space in 3 of AimAngles= statements, remove the space, and see what happens.


Having added it enough times on my ww2 mods ... :crazy:


Actually, you're looking for convergergence at 200-250 yards. You can even change them in pairs (iirc some Jug aces used to do that --350, 300, 200, 250 for each pair)


the problem with the Spits, would be the 20mm and 303s have completly different ballistic trajectories (and sometimes, the 303s had been replaced by Browning 50s)


edit: ammo count is off, too methinks ... my IDF Spit 9 (based off DATs Mk.VIII), used 350 for the MGs, and 120 for Hispano (TK cannon rounds are correct). I KNOW that data is accurate from somwhere...just can't remember where.. Modelers Datafile on Merllin Spits? Mushromm Yellow??? ????



kevin stein


Thanks, I'll give it a shot.



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