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Coming Soon

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Over the past couple of days I've been implementing changes and additions to support the newest release of our forum software which is expected to be rolled out here toward the beginning of June. I apologize for the up and down time that we've experienced over the past 24 hours but it is a necessary evil when you're working with live production equipment. I for one am very proud of our overall uptime and aggregate traffic we provide to the community. Some of you may not realize that CombatACE as a whole has turned into quite a complete family of sites we're responsible for. We'd like to take just a brief moment to say how proud we are of everyone who contributes to this tremendous community. Thank you all.


With the new release just around the corner for CombatACE I'd like to invite everyone to update their personal profile here. You'll be helping us out with testing if you can update your picture, avatar, and maybe add signature. Use this link to make your changes. EDIT MY PROFILE


I'll make a post or blog about the new changes as they are rolled out to the community. The list is huge and the new features for everyone to use are vast. Look forward to that news as I make the changes to the site.


Thanks for the help and support.



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Thanks Erik, that's great! i can't wait to read about the changes.

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updating profile stuff works OK for me

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Tried it here and it works fine for me... and I am interested in whats coming next!!!

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