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drinks.gif I started a campagin in late Apr 1917 with a German Albatross pilot. It seems that over the lines I attacked a 3 a/c N-17 flight after a few turns 4 N-17s join then near the time I was crash landing 5 spads joined as high flight. Does the AI tactics change in late 1917? or just collect more flights as the fight spreads out ?


P.S. Lost all three Albatross s I got one frenchie and saw another smokeing. It was a hard contest.blink.gif

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drinks.gif I started a campagin in late Apr 1917 with a German Albatross pilot. It seems that over the lines I attacked a 3 a/c N-17 flight after a few turns 4 N-17s join then near the time I was crash landing 5 spads joined as high flight. Does the AI tactics change in late 1917? or just collect more flights as the fight spreads out ?


P.S. Lost all three Albatross s I got one frenchie and saw another smokeing. It was a hard contest.blink.gif


Of course he was smoking. He just got done $%ing you and your 3 friends. rofl.gif


I had the same thing happen. I started with a 9 to 4 superiority in numbers as well as height advantage. By the time it was all over, 2 more flights of Spad XIIs from ESC 102 and 3 Nieuport 24s from Esc 76 had joined the fray and cut us to peices. I swear they are trying to win the war up there. I went home in a box. Basterds.



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The Entente sent out more and more planes, Carrick, but it shouldn't get too

crowded before 1918.

If you attack enemy planes, check environment very careful first.

With a D.II, you can dive away from an attack with good speed, but with a D.III

you need to be more careful, cause the lower wings break easily.


I just read the book by Julius Buckler, "Malaula! The battle cry of Jasta 17", and

he never seemed to get into such trouble. I think, in OFF the Entente is sometimes

a bit too present early on.

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