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Guest F-16CJ

How to control the variable geometry wing manually?

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Guest F-16CJ

as the title,I am a newbie,I am cray about Russian fighters,I download the Mig23、Su22...

I found that the sweepback changed automatically as the airspeed changed ,How I can fix the ini file to made the sweepback changed manually?

Thanks a lot.

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moved to the proper Forum.


sorry, I don't have an answer, just moving this to where it'll be more seen



kevin stein

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The reason variable geometry wings are generally set to automatic in SF, is that this allows one to declare as many as 4 wing-sweep settings, per model. Setting it manual, limits the model to just two settings: full forward, and full aft sweep.

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IIRC, the Tomcat had a feature wich allowed it to block the wings forward for dogfights. To emulate this, wht i do is to set the airbrakes and the burner at the same time. I know its some kind of weird, but works

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At one point I had the TMF Tomcat ini tweaked to allow the wings to be set with the THRUST VECTOR control (since I have a Cougar and use the ANT ELEV thumb wheel for this). I can't recall if I was limited to four settings for the wing, or if the sweep could be finely tuned. I've held off anymore mod work on the old TMF model, waiting for the release of the new one. :cool:

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There are several ways to control the wings manually.


The problem is that the AI will then either fail to be able to sweep the wings at all, or will only be able to use full forward or full aft with no in between settings.


In other words, if you make a manual sweep, you cripple all your wingmen.



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There are several ways to control the wings manually.


The problem is that the AI will then either fail to be able to sweep the wings at all, or will only be able to use full forward or full aft with no in between settings.


In other words, if you make a manual sweep, you cripple all your wingmen.




Sort of.....wing sweep angle@Mach level corresponds precisely to the coordinates defined in the Xmac tables. So, in essence, you could have the wings set at any sweep angle your heart desires, and it would make no difference in maneuverability, as the values are "fixed" in the flight parameters. Swept wings are nothing more than a glorified effect in this series, with a minimal effect on performance. By manually controlling them, you're achieving nothing.

Edited by Fubar512

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