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I've been playing with the idea of making an Operation Southern Watch campaign. We have just about all that would be needed maybe minus a few skins.


Before I start any more research, I just want to know a couple things.


1. Would people be interested in the campaign? Heavy combat would probably limited.


2. Should it be one large campaign or several smaller ones coinciding with deployments and cruises? Or should it be limited to Desert Fox and the Shock and Awe campaigns?

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I've been playing with the idea of making an Operation Southern Watch campaign. We have just about all that would be needed maybe minus a few skins.


Before I start any more research, I just want to know a couple things.


1. Would people be interested in the campaign? Heavy combat would probably limited.


2. Should it be one large campaign or several smaller ones coinciding with deployments and cruises? Or should it be limited to Desert Fox and the Shock and Awe campaigns?



Personally, very interested, despite the lack of heavy combat

I suggest several smaller ones in order to give players variety in choosing airplanes and missions

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Ok nice to see a little interest. I'll get cracking on this ASAP.

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Should you need any help, test or support, I am available, I am pretty familiar with campaigns.

Are you using DS terrain?

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This would be very interesting. I can see it as a low intensity campaign stretching from around 1993 to early 2001.


The DS map would have to be modified so that the mobile air defense units and SAM traps would be active for a while and then gone, while a new one was active somewhere else. Also, ground transport routes would be limited to below the 33rd. The map would only be usable for this campaign and MAYBE a Desert Fox mini-campaign in 1998 and/or slightly intensified OSW with Response Options post 9/11 and before invasion in 2003. Carrier wings and ships would also be frequently cycled through and replaced, with very little overlap.


I can offer assistance in 2 ways; 1) I can tell you on the Navy side what carriers were there when, for how long, and what air wings and squadrons were aboard for the whole run of OSW and 2) I can skin nearly any Tomcat squadron you want.



May I submit my resume with these two WIP images:



VF211 Checkmates Last Tomcat Cruise






VF-41 Black Aces Last Tomcat Cruise



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The DS Terrain will definitely have to be stripped of a lot of targets. I don't think that targets can exist for only months at a time, so SAMs will be coming from certain areas for longer than they should.


I've got what I need on the Iraqi Air Force so I can check something of my big list.


Swordsman, I'll gladly accept your assistance in this project.


Canadair, think you could create new Iraqi transport routes?

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Glad to help any way I can.


1st reference for carrier deployments for me has always been the Navysite.de website. From here, you can look at carriers by clas and read a list of their deployments and what CVW was carried along with.


I do believe OSW was kicked off by USS Kitty Hawk and CVW-15 in late 1992 or early 1993.


Any Tomcat squadrons you want skins for that don't exist yet, I can do them, but I'm limited to Tomcat squadrons. Other tacjets will have to be covered by someone else. Just let me know what you need.

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Canadair, think you could create new Iraqi transport routes?


It is not impossible. What exactly are we looking for in that regards?

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in the 08 patch level, you CAN turn targets on and off with dates (in SF2, also)



Name=Tajura Nuclear Center








nothing to it, really



kevin stein

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