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Is their a way to control witch aircraft numbers that are assigned? I have 26 AC Number tgs's and a proper Numbers LST file. The game keeps numbering the first aircraft with the last number so all the rest are blank. Other then assigning the AC numbers in the load out screen witch is a pain in the rudder. I don't want to make 73 more decals. WOE patched 10/8

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don't use a number list; the GameEngine ™ will cycle back to the beginning when it hits the end (had/have this very same problem with the Midway VT-8 Avengers ... as there was only 6 of them, one runs out of numbers fast. So, I didn't use a numbers.lst, and the problem was solved. Sorta)


you'll note there's no number.lst for any of the AI MiGs, and they work fine (albeit with 100 Borts....)


That's been an issue with the game since Day 1.



kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench that worked. Should I edit my uploaded VF-85.zip with one without the LST File? and if I replace it will the original be over written in the download manager?

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just post a message in the release forum, in the Corsair's thread to the effct of :


"the game engine will run out of Modex numbers occasionally. It's reccomended you rename the 'numbers.lst' to "xnumbers.lst" (without the quotes). This will remove it from the game engine's sight, and alllow the Modex numbers to recycle on their own"



kevin stein

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Are you sure hiding "numbers.lst" makes things work? I don't have much luck with it, the only difference is that I cannot see the number preview in the loadout screen. Otherwise the misbehaviour is the same. It is like this:


-It seems the first time I create/generate a single mission the number is valid.

-creating missions after this: it usually displays the last number of the list in the loadout screen, and displays nothing in game.

only like 10 to 20% of the time do I get a valid working number.

(Tested with WOI with several aircraft with "numbers.lst" files containing 8 to 24 entries)


So it seems like the game chooses a number below 100, picks that entry, if that entry is not referenced you get nothing.

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