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Just wondering if there is a model of this great ship available anywhere.



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One's been available for years ... the lod is dated 2005. Unfortunately, as I can't locate a readme for it, and until such time a determination is made as to WHO made it (meaning: Hinch, DAT, Geo???) uploading is not an option.


I'd more suspect Hinchbrook or Geo, as it uses 3 skin maps, and the 'pattern' is very similiar to other WW2 items they've done. (judging by the lack of guns and gunners in the data ini -dated 2007-, I'd go with Hinch first, simply because it's so old. We've learned a LOT since then! No slight to either Hinch or Geo is meant that statement)



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Ok, scouring the archives (meaning the pile of CD and one of the externals), the Belfast came inside the original EAW Euro WW2 terrain. I still don't know who built it, but it looks more and more like it might be Hinchbrooke.


I doubt the original terrain (from 2005) is still availabe here; I know the small ugrade I uploaded dosn't have it, but maybe Avsim might. Although that's kinda doubtfull. Then, you'd just need to assemble the parts into a new GO folder, update the main ini to latest standards, upgrade the data ini to include gunners and the 6 inch gun (although I'm pretty sure only 1 turret moves), and off you go



kevin stein

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Whoever built Belfast, it wasn't me. I have drawings, and have thought about building her (my last 'visit' was in 2008), but haven't had the time.

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Hey everyone thanks for your help, I just noticed that the NAfrica/Western Desert terrain has the Belfast as a target. However there is no lod or file of the ship so it just appears as nothing. I could be wrong and may have just set it up wrong (the reason it's not showing up) but I did not see it as part of the terrain package. However it must be somewhere I guess


Thanks again

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yes, that's because it's a GroundObject, placed 'in port' via the targets_ini


Thanks for the info Hinch; I'd automatically credited you with it, since you ARE the major shipbuilding company for 3W sim!


I guess an email to capun is in order, to check and see if he created it. Since it came with the terrain ... I jsut don't know anymore!!!



kevin stein

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