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Guest Ranger332

looks like janes USAF

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Guest Ranger332



looks to much like USAF by Janes

sofar the only plus i see is in the damage shown

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Guest Ranger332


you lost me ?

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pretty standard web forum stuff :)



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Guest Ranger332

lol yr like R.A.S.B.M.A.

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Guest Ranger332





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you know, by the time LOMAC actually comes out, they'll have to make a patch just to update to MODERN planes!! lol


That was sarcasim, I'm gettin tired of waiting for this game.

AT LEAST I CAN PLAY SF:P1 while I wait

and besides why is it all the COOL aircraft are non-flyable?

who only wants to fly an F-15 or an A-10 or the same Flanker thats in every other jet sim? The graphics look very sweet but why didnt they just call it F-15 Eagle or something

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Ranger, and yet USAF is still a "light" sim. BTW- your pics didnt show up, I'm sure they are early shots with F2.5 terrain anyway. I have tried USAF and it never could take me, just something about it. Could be the FM, could be the easy avionics, etc. Your not going to convince me that USAF is anywhere near the level of LOMAC (even at this point in development) F18, F15, or F4 SP3. A sim either has it or it doesn't and no amount of addons is not going to change that. Yes it might make it look better but whats under the hood is there and whats important. Again just my opinion.


Fast eagle, I can understand wanting more aircraft, but considering they even stuck the F15 and A10 in a Russian sim is great news to me. Do you want something like fighters anthology?? lets not debate the fact that the more aircraft you have the less realistic they all are. It would take YEARS (more than 4) to build a sim with 15 or 20 aircraft at full realism. Everyone has thier own personal favorite (mine is the Tomcat) but you have to take what you can get and enjoy it for what it is. I love Tomcats, but i will be just as happy to fly that eagle around. I guess it's just all in how you look at it. :)

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