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80 years ago

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80 years ago the first prototype of the Ju-52 transport plane took off for his a maiden flight. It was an easy to operate, low cost plane which was able to operate from grass stripes. But only 6 birds were built.

After a while the Lufthansa asked for an improved version for passengers with 3 engines. This became the Ju-52m3, the first efficent passenger plane of the world.

In the 30th of last century the Ju-52 was a revolution for civil air transport, a role that was later taken over by the american DC-3.

During the war the Ju-52 was used mostly in the role as transporter, but also as parachute plane or bomber.

It was very reliable and was loved by its pilots. They gave them the name "Tante Ju", "Aunt Ju".

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Here's to Auntie Ju:drinks: , zum Wohl !!


Hou doe,



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