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A request for the "skinners" group on F-104G/S, TF-104G/M

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To the Skinners,


I would be grateful if someone can make "more" squadron markings for the F-104G and TF-104G in the ROCAF service (Republic of China "Taiwan" Air Force).


If possible, a "what if markings" for the ROCAF on the F-104S would be nice too, love the F-104S from "SPILLONE'S"



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supplying to some info links, maybe??? That really helps, when doing the research


The only major problem I see with the S/S-ASA/S-ASA(M) "conversions" would be partial reskins, as alot of the AMI marking are painted on the skin bmps. A good (or even compentent) skinner could easily create new layers for the panel and rivet lines, paint UNDER them to remove the AMI markings, and do the new ROCAF markings as decals, as all their positions are very well known



kevin stein

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That is a roger, I'll try to look into the squadrons on the ROCAF F-104. I think most of the squadrons were the generic markings that you (Wrench) made on the F-104G. The most visible markings was the recon, squad. in the 5th Composite Wing.


As to the skin colors... they were mostly the SEA for the F-104A and some G. The rest were mostly the silver grey and the medium grey for the rest of there career.

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Could always ask Spillone104...

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the only thing really lacking, is an SEA camo skin for the STOCK 3W Zipper ...


However, looking at 1stGen skins I've applied (mostly AMI) to the SF2 104G, I've noted NO differences in mapping, so possibly the very old, tried and true 3W templates (should be available here in our 1stGen downloads section) could probably be reused.



kevin stein

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that's the very same list I used for natual metal skin!! (in fact, a txt file with those number may still be in the zip in the download)



kevin stein

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