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Setting up Routes for ARMED_RECON Missions

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I hope to start a discussion about the important odds and ends about setting up these routes. Here is the MOVEMENT ini from the SF2 Range (which has no Armed Recon or CAS missions due to lack of moving targets). Could someone( Terrain Wizards) cast some light on this area.



FriendlyBase=Home Base

EnemyBase=Bombing Range














StartArea=Checkpoint 10

EndArea=Bombing Range






StartArea=Vehicle Depot

EndArea=Checkpoint 10






StartArea=Vehicle Depot

EndArea=Industrial Center






StartArea=Checkpoint 6

EndArea=Checkpoint 10






StartArea=Checkpoint 7

EndArea=Industrial Center






StartArea=Checkpoint 10

EndArea=Checkpoint 6






StartArea=Checkpoint 8

EndArea=Rail Yard






StartArea=Checkpoint 10

EndArea=Rail Yard




What would be required and what are the various entries on this ini and their significance. This would be MOST APPRECIATED as I am trying to make some things GO ZOOM and BOOM on the SF2 Range.......CHAMP

Edited by ChampionsVA56

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Thats where the Frontline starts on the map - represented by a red line usually. I think startshow and endshow just define the visible points from the front line coords




single missions (and campaigns) use these coordinates to place moving trucks and ships - you can just define your own points - you can add shipping routes also





StartArea=Mosak <----name from _targets

EndArea=Al'Duhok <----name from _targets






To work out the coords - ideally a mission editor is the best thing

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I take you aren't using the movements ini from my Range Upgrade, from a couple of years back?? All the works already been done.


EDIT: that IS my movement ini! I glanced over it too quickly, not noticing the varisous targets that I added, oh so long ago!


start and end points for all defined shipping and truck routes MUST have matching side (meaning Red-to-Red or Blue-to-Blue)


Ground attack (CAS) routes must be Blue to Red or verse visa


Easiest way I've found to plot them, is


1) via the SQMD, the old mission builder -works ok for ships, but lack detail


2) with free camera view, "fly" the route, noteing the x/y coordinates (NOT the offset numbers, but the whole 2-paired 6 digit ones)



kevin stein

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Probably is yours!! Came with the SF2 Range download........I'm ASSUMING (??) it does not function in the SF2 Range since nothing is moving....YET. If there is a updated version....I would love to see how it works. This is my first "stumble" into terrain stuff....thats why I'm asking LOTS of questions...........THANKS FOR THE REPLYS!!! Keep em coming.........me learn.....me learn!!

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Hooray!!....found the RANGE UPGRADE...........!! The pieces of the puzzle come together for Champ :good::.......now to find my marbles......................

Edited by ChampionsVA56

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When it refers to TRUCK routes.....does that mean any random truck,tank etc that matches the enemy nations list and userlist of the ground object? In this case I would need a ground object (like a T-34 tank) to ID'd as a "RANGE" nation to be available for selection? Does it pick at random or is there a method the game uses? THANKS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Champ

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Yes. BUT...

for truck routes, it ONLY uses GOs with "TRANSPORT" as their GroundObjectRole= statement (so, if you want BRDMs, to show, change their RECON to Transport). The 'usual suspects' are (red side only) SovietTruck, SovietFuelTruck, and any of Kesselbruts ZiLs, the recentl uploaded Urals, the old ZiS truck. If one is cleaver enough (like someone I could mention :grin: ) one could even take the MAZ SCUD carrier, 'clone it' and make it into a transport vehicle you'd encounter in AR missions. Somebody did that for the DS mod, iirc :cool:


Just add the RANGE nation to EACH of their users' lists. You'll need them for CAS as well (as i recall adding some Ground_Attack routes, too). Give them a LARGE year spread


The Range's limited nations thing just didn't workout right for me *but only on this terrain!*; so I don't use JSFAggie's newest one.



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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AH HA!! TRANSPORT........:salute:............good catch. SO what is the magic word for GROUND_ATTACK routes........:idea:...........TANK?? If I make only one Range nation (userlist) TRANSPORT and only one Range nation (userlist) TANK, will the game just use those exclusively:idea: (intended)?? Thanks...CHAMP

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Userlist must be for each vehicle, iirc most of the tanks and the stock Zils don't have one (extract ObjectData001.cat, and you'll see). Hopefully, since they're alredy "Red" they'll probably (operative word!) show up. Again, only testing can show for sure.


Anything with "TANK" as it's ground object role will appear in CAS mission (including Infantry units).


I got my start in modding this series (2004) with ground objects, so I've learned a few things!



kevin stein

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Well....I tried everything (Userlists for vehicles), HUD plotted routes ,etc and still NO CAS or ARMED RECON on JSF's SF2 range................Game just freezes if you select one of these mission types. Must be some other glitch somewhere....so the heck with it!!! Static convoy targets is what I'm sticking with.:heat:

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Same on mine, though I use my own version based off of Wrench's...

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in the main Range ini, is there this statement:





kevin stein

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Yeah.. needs to be FALSE?

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yes, try that.



kevin stein

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No Joy, still freezes.

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Figured out the problem, added this:





DisplayName=Dhimari Air Force

















DisplayName=Parani Air Force














To the RANGE_NATIONS.ini file...

Edited by EricJ

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Well...tried that too.....no dice. If I were to send you a copy of the Range I put together....would you take a crack at finding what I'm doing wrong?? Champ :telephone:

Edited by ChampionsVA56

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Yeah sure just PM it to me...

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Yeah sure just PM it to me...


OK.....let me put a package together.......I will have to make a few tweeks to not overwrite your files (re-name the range inis etc.) Give me a day or so... ANY INPUT on ANYTHING would be most appreciated. I hope to post this before X-mas.......CHAMP

Edited by ChampionsVA56

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No problems send when ready :good:

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I tried to PM it but the darn file is to big to upload!! I may need you to PM me an E-mail address to send it that way. The terrain is still called "Range" because changing the name screwed up the terrain tiles or something. This is a pretty EXTENSIVE re-work and I"m only half finished with the new Drone aircraft There will be 15 total when done. I will send what is finished so you can play with them.....blow them out of the sky!!!. Also will send over the F-4N for the Missions I made.......attacking the Firebee and the "Super Firebee"....he he!! Let me know what you think. Some arrre not easy to take down...they have countermeasures and use them well . During install you may want to hide your files so as to not OVERWRITE anything. I have the CAT Pointer set to SF2V "VIETNAMSEA" since thats what I have been using.....I have the full SF2V GOLD expansion pack installed also.


WHAT I REALLY NEED HELP WITH: I tried in VAIN to get some ARMED_RECON and CAS routes working with the Movement ini. I made 2 "Clone" ground objects with the "Range" nation in the userlist. They are the QT-34_85 tank for CAS and the Q_Zil-157_ZPU-1 truck for ARMED_RECON Missions. Both have had their guns "neutered" so they don't fire. I would like to have these used exclusively on the range for "moving targets" and have set up numerous checkpoints with marker shacks to compile the routes. SOMEWHERE I'm not getting something right so I'm asking for help!! HELP!!:help:

Edited by ChampionsVA56

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I tried to PM it but the darn file is to big to upload!! I may need you to PM me an E-mail address to send it that way. The terrain is still called "Range" because changing the name screwed up the terrain tiles or something. This is a pretty EXTENSIVE re-work and I"m only half finished with the new Drone aircraft There will be 15 total when done. I will send what is finished so you can play with them.....blow them out of the sky!!!. Also will send over the F-4N for the Missions I made.......attacking the Firebee and the "Super Firebee"....he he!! Let me know what you think. Some arrre not easy to take down...they have countermeasures and use them well . During install you may want to hide your files so as to not OVERWRITE anything. I have the CAT Pointer set to SF2V "VIETNAMSEA" since thats what I have been using.....I have the full SF2V GOLD expansion pack installed also.


WHAT I REALLY NEED HELP WITH: I tried in VAIN to get some ARMED_RECON and CAS routes working with the Movement ini. I made 2 "Clone" ground objects with the "Range" nation in the userlist. They are the QT-34_85 tank for CAS and the Q_Zil-157_ZPU-1 truck for ARMED_RECON Missions. Both have had their guns "neutered" so they don't fire. I would like to have these used exclusively on the range for "moving targets" and have set up numerous checkpoints with marker shacks to compile the routes. SOMEWHERE I'm not getting something right so I'm asking for help!! HELP!!:help:


PM me the movement ini and the targets ini, more than likely there are conflicts. Saves the trouble and see if I can see it in the kmd first

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