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I loaded the VantourBN but no cockpit shows up when the Aircraft is loaded. Also, the T28 aircraft loads but does not have any engine sounds. Can someone tell me hoe to fix these problems? Thanks Semper Fi

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there's shouldn't be a complete T-28 here, as that's a DAT release, and propritary (sp?) to their site only.


as to the Vulture, WHICH download?


the original release..



or the upgraded one ...


(which includes the F-86D radar equiped cockpit)


the original REQUIRES a merged install or SF2E as it's referencing the Hunter9's cockpit. Which is not in either SF2 or SF2V, nor SF2I (as the Hunters are not in either one of those, and in SF2I, they're AI only, and don't have the necessary files.)


A bit more info is required to nail down your issue ... like, which game did you intall it to? Not giving us much to work with here!



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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The VantourBN is the one I installed in a merged SF2 game


Sorry about the lack of infor fairly new so not exactly on top of everything.


The T28 in my download files copyright and installation instructions below


Contact Information: Cesar Pun. E-mail: *****1950@yahoo.com


All Copyrights Reserved CPL Engineering, LLC © 2003-2010


Do not distribute, repackage or post without previous consent.


No Modifications without previous consent is allowed


Models are done solely for the purpose of enjoyment by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. A-Team reserves the right


to use poetic license in the design. Model released to the SFP1/WoV/WoE community for their enjoyment with no implicit warranties, Caveat Emptor.


By downloading this file you acknowledge that is provided on an "as is" basis, constructive feedback can be sent


to the contact information. Custom work for this model can be done for a fee based on US$ 65 an hour


Please read the model installation instructions



* North American T-28A Nomad (Trojan is the trainer version) Set-up Instructions


* A Strike Fighters 2 Add-on


* Contact Information: Cesar Pun. E-mail: *****1950@yahoo.com


* Brought to you by the SFP1 Dev A-Team of *****, Gramps, Charles, Kesselbrut & The Wrench


* Airplane Model by *****, based on the source file by an unknown internet designer


* Release 1 07/19/10


* Model T-28A-R1


* Do not distribute, repackage or post without previous consent.


* All Copyrights Reserved CPL Engineering, LLC © 2003-2010


* No Modifications without previous consent is allowed


* Models are done solely for the purpose of enjoyment by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. A-Team reserves the right


* to use poetic license in the design. Model released to the SFP1/WoV/WoE/FE community for their enjoyment with


* no implicit warranties, Caveat Emptor.


* By downloading this file you acknowledge that is provided on an "as is" basis, constructive feedback can be sent


* to the contact information. Custom work for this model can be done for a fee based on US$ 65 an hour


* Contributors list


* Original 3D Model design by an unknown internet designer


* Model modifications by *****


* Textures by pappychksix


* Screens by


* FM by Starfighter2


* T-34 Virtual Cockpit by Kesselbrut


* Requires weapons pack update included in this package





1- Airplane Contents



- T-28A - Airplane Directory under Objects\Aircraft


- T-28C-R1.LOD - Model LOD File


- T-28C-R1.OUT - Model OUT File


- T-28A.ini - Airplane ini file


- T-28A_Cockpit.ini - Airplane cockpit ini file


- T-28A_Data.ini - Airplane data ini file


- T-28A_Loading.bmp - Game Loading bmp file


- T-28A_Loadout.bmp - Airplane Loadout bmp file


- T-28A_Loadout.ini - Airplane Loadout ini file


- T28-s_holes.dds - Damage texture


- T28-t_holes.dds - Damage texture


- Copyright.txt - AFP1 Dev A-Team Copyright notice


- T-28A_Installation_Instructions.txt - This document



- T-28A\606SOS - Texture Directory under Objects\Aircraft\T-28A


- T28-s.bmp - Main Texture


- T28-t.bmp - Main Texture


- Decals.ini - Decal ini


- Numbers.lst - Airplane number list


- patch.bmp - Texture patch


- TextureSet.ini - Texture set declaration


- ClrGlass.tga - Windshield glass


- S2Prop.tga - Slow Prop Texture


- F2Prop.tga - Fast Prop Texture



- T-28A\USNRed - Texture Directory under Objects\Aircraft\T-28A


- T28-s.bmp - Main Texture


- T28-t.bmp - Main Texture


- Numbers.lst - Airplane number list


- patch.bmp - Texture patch


- TextureSet.ini - Texture set declaration


- ClrGlass.tga - Windshield glass


- S3Prop.tga - Slow Prop Texture


- F3Prop.tga - Fast Prop Texture



- T-28A\Cockpit - Cockpit Directory under Objects\Aircraft\T-28A




- F86_reflection1.tga


- F86_reflection2.tga


- Mirror.bmp


- Needles.bmp


- Pit.bmp


- PitMisc.bmp


- Schatten.tga


- schraube.TGA


- Struts.bmp


- T34panel.bmp


- T-34Gauges1.bmp


- T-34Gauges2.bmp


- T-34Pit.LOD


- T-34Pit.OUT



2- Unpack all of the files from the T-28A Package into a temp folder



3- Copy all files under the T-28A folder to the Strategy First\Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft\T-28A folder



- Preserve the folder tree structure. It is easier just to drag and drop the VulcanBX folder into your Strategy First\Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft folder



4- Happy Hunting.



Designer notes:



Known Issues:


- Plane is tuned for Hard Mode



Release Notes:


07/19/10: Release 1 for Series 2 games





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Wrench - your links to the Vantour corrected the problem many thanks


The T28 is skunkworks where for some reason ***** is not allowed here at all.


I sent an email to him but don't expect a response.


I will need to know how to add an engine sound to the aircraft.


Semper Fi

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Check the DAT site, CP posted the fix for you



kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench all fixed and ready to go again. I know that their is a lot I need to learn so this is another that goes to the memory bank.

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