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Lots of campaigns and missions - single player

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If you’re like me, you probably also have been downloading and collecting missions and campaigns since Lock On came out, and likewise have folders full of them.


I couldn’t even tell exactly which missions and campaigns I had so I spent a day extracting and sorting them into folders, then checking what they actually were within Lock On, then renaming them to indicate which flyable aircraft is flown (many original file names don’t even indicate it!), the original file name is otherwise preserved, and a separate folder allocated for each flyable.


I then did the same with the many campaigns, and when done, created a single LOMAN zip for all of them, so that I could easily install and uninstall them, and/or add any new missions or campaigns to this single zip, instead of battling with hundreds of obscure .zip and .rar files. So now I have large and accessible bundle of missions and campaigns in one neat package, and thought I might share it with others to download.


The LOMAN zip itself is only 3 megs but decompresses to 18 megs of Lock On flying goodness! :)


So if you were wanting a BIG library of Lock On single-player missions and campaigns to download in one convenient LOMAN zip, then here you go:


Campaigns and missions bundle

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