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I made this aircraft of Gepard's MiG-21BISON but i took the tweaks a little bit further :yikes:this is the result of 1week of testing the skin in WOI by the way i used the the recently released F-20 Tigershark cockpit and Avionics (dll.70) i hope to have it up at Conbat Ace at the end of this week.


ALL THAT I CAN SAY - This MiG-21 ROCK'S it's the ultimate MiG-21 fighter it can hadle both WP & Israeli PYTHON as and NATO AIM-7 missiles








The Cockpit

Edited by hynkel

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That is not a picture of an F-20 cockpit...in fact it looks a LOT like the stock ThirdWire F-15A cockpit.



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That IS the stock Eagle cockpit.... the placment of the radar scope, RWR, and twin engine annunciators is a dead give-away



kevin stein

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That IS the stock Eagle cockpit.... the placment of the radar scope, RWR, and twin engine annunciators is a dead give-away



kevin stein


Anyway! ....The cockpit was taken from....OR WAS PUBLISHED WITH F-20 Tigershark by Geperd at Skunkworks.

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Unfortunately, it looks like it is. I have the same on mine. :oops:



It was probably just an oversight on Gepard's part.

Edited by Say What?!

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The cockpit i used in the F-20 TigerShark is basically the F-15A cockpit, because it is the one of the stock cockpits, which has the closest look of the F-20 Cockpit. So it is a mod of the F-15 cockpit. No cockpit lod file is included in the F-20, so it can only used in WOE or WOI.

The HUD itself is new. I have designed it by using pictures of the real F-20 HUD. The radarscreen is also new in parts.

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Final skin completed...Added IAI - Logo and new ejection seat warning trangle and Israel Coat of Arms,and New tail rudder paint.


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The cockpit i used in the F-20 TigerShark is basically the F-15A cockpit, because it is the one of the stock cockpits, which has the closest look of the F-20 Cockpit. So it is a mod of the F-15 cockpit. No cockpit lod file is included in the F-20, so it can only used in WOE or WOI.

The HUD itself is new. I have designed it by using pictures of the real F-20 HUD. The radarscreen is also new in parts.




Thanks for the clarification...just needed to be sure.



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