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Labor Day, a day to rest, a day for some BBQ, a day to thank the Labor Unions for one of the few good things they have done, and this year, a day to watch my School beat the ever living crap out of the scUM of Miami.


At this time I would like to pray to GOD, and ask that he turn Hurricane Frances away from the coast of my home state, so that A: I may have my hockey tryouts this weekend in Orlando, and B: So that Miami can host their own ass kicking.


GOD, please send Frances to a place that is fitting of her wrath, perhaps Cuba, or better yet, France.


Ah yes, College Football is in the air, I hope you are all preparing to spend your Saturday's on the couch with cases of beer and mounds of unhealthy food.






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Yes Ladies and Gentlemen it's that time of year again. It was a great game Saturday night between the VA Tech Hokies and the Trojans of USC. Despite my team losing, they did a great job against the supposed #1 Power House. Personally I think the offensive pass interference call that was the turning point in the game was about as bogus as most referees are these days. WE WANT INSTANT REPLAY...... (although it doesn't work for penalties as we know the refs are fool proof.) ;)


Anyway, It Football time......... :D

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GOD, please send Frances to a place that is fitting of her wrath, perhaps Cuba, or better yet, France.

I'll drink to that! hehe


College football is truly in the air! The DII Powerhouse UND (University of North Dakota, where I am now at), currently #2, defeated #10 Delta State, and is well on their way to another national championship!


K-State starts up next week playing Western Kentucky... Western who? oh yeah, gotta wait till October before they play a recognizable team. Oh well, time for some butt stomping!

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the teams in florida might have a bit more to worry about this w/e than games..like real alligators in their pools.....

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