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SF2 Update, Modern Darwin terrain

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SF2 Update, Modern Darwin terrain

Modern Darwin Terrain, Update Pak



For SF2 - Full-4 Merged Reccomended (but not fully required)


This is an update pak for the Modern Darwin/Timor terrain I released in 2009. It is designed to replace some small bits inside, so you =MUST= have the 2009 update pak for this terrain to install -this- package into.

You can find it at the following URL (this is the complete terrain, WITH tiles):




This pak updates several inis to SF2 levels, adds a few little fixes to some terrain objects, and for the 12/2010 patch, adds the _Water.bmp that the new mission builder requires. Targeting remains the same, although the Runway2 has been 'repaved' to a full concrete/macdam surface (no more dirt). Some "other items" have also been updated.


The LimitedNations statement has NOT been added, so anyone and everyone can fly here.


As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. REMINDER: this is NOT for the DAT's Timor terrain in their all-inclusive "Wings Over Timor" mod!!! This is for the terrain update listed above ==ONLY==!!!!


Happy Landings!


kevin stein


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Very nice map Wrench! :clapping:


I'd say it's so good it's worth small tiles and tod "enhancing" work :wink:

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I ABSOLUTELY agree ... needs TOD work, and reworkign of some of the target areas. Maybe someday...



kevin stein

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Small, limited tod work is already almost done, together with my never released, old Vietnamsea tileset. The "standard" stock Vietnam tiles are quite true to real life of Timor or Celebes, as uncle Google says:



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It's an old mod for Vietnam I never released, basically simple treemod, with some textures paintwork.

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Hi Wrench. I love the map, and have been flying it a lot. I am having a couple of issues. In the mission editor, I can't drag ships around, and when I place a ship, and nominate it as a target or a home base, it disappears as soon as I save the mission. If I just fly without saving, the ships do not appear in game.


I have SF2, SF2V, SF2E,SF2I merged, and patched to July 12. When I try to install this terrain, I do it in the following order:

  1. Modern Darwin/Timor http://combatace.com...rn-darwintimor/
  2. SF2 Update, Modern Darwin terrain http://combatace.com...darwin-terrain/
  3. Modern Darwin Terrain "CleanUp" Pak http://combatace.com...in-cleanup-pak/

When installing, I overwrite old with new.The only edit I have made is to the nations file (limiting it to RAAF, RAN, TNI-AU, and RNZAF) I am at a loss.

Edited by Sheriff001

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is there a Darwin_water.bmp in the terrains' folder?

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you need Darwin_water.bmp for it to work there some pack in donwload seccion whit XXXX_water.bmp check for Darwin also check if NavalMap=TRUE his the Darwin.ini

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OK, so I found the pack with Darwin_water.bmp and added NavalMap-TRUE to the Darwin.ini. The result is that the Darwin (Modern) terrain no longer shows up. I am going to try to reinstall the terrain from scratch.

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try without NavalMap=TRUE for starters, should work.. but something's not right with the map in your install so go on with full reinstall (and add my new hr tiles for better looks)

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Adding "Darwin_water.bmp", and adding the line WaterMap=Darwin_Water.bmp has no effect.


Now, I have done everything except put "NavalMap=TRUE" into Darwin.ini. I discovered that if I did this, the terrain would not show up. One question: Should I put all these files into the <mods>\Terrains folder or into the <mods>\Terrains\Darwin folder?

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into mods\terrains\Darwin I guess

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if you don't have SF2NA as part of the base game installs, and/or full-5 merged, and RUNNING the game from teh SF2NA.exe, the navalmap=ture and waterbmps with CV zones will not work.


attached is MY darwin_water.bmp, with 2 CV zones (one enemy, one friendly), ready for use in the SF2NA environment

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Your Darin_water.bmp worked. Thank you very much. It is especially good since I am Australian.

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well, COOL!!!


glad it worked!!!

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