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RNAS-1 Campaign Mission Error

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What ho! As part of the DiD Campaign RNAS-1 has returned to England (transfered from Middle Aerodrome to Dover Aerodrome on December the 9th 1917 - starting operations from Dover on December the 10th 1917)


However upon trying to fly a mission from Dover I get the following error message (upon Mission Briefing Generation.)




Followed by:




And upon the Briefing Page being loaded:




(I should note that the first time I tried a mission the same first error came up, but no Co-ord error - with the mission sending me on a Friendly Lines patrol to Ypres, which was the same mission and location as my last mission in France.)


I don't know if we're having more trouble with an Irish Rebellion or some such, but I think sending us all the way up there is a bit extreme. :rofl:


I tried making a second Pilot Campaign from RNAS-1 with the start date of December the 10th 1917 to see if it was just an issue with that particular Pilot file - but the same error popped up with the new Pilot as well.


Also I made a third Pilot Campaign from RFC-56 in April 1917 (I think) as that starts in England (to see if it was an England issue) - but the England missions from that Campaign worked as usual (giving the mission 'Routine Patrol' to points near the Aerodrome in England.)


From a practical point of view I don't suppose it will make any difference, as the missions will still be peaceful patrols over England - just there won't be any waypoints for me to follow.


Just thought I'd point it out just because it's an error - also it'd be nice if someone could make a Campaign from RNAS-1 on the 10th of December 1917 to see if they get mission errors as well, just to make sure it's not just my OFF install. :good:

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Thanks Uncleal, although at the moment I'm wondering if it might be an error with the Campaign design as opposed to my install, as it would make sense there being what seems to be a waypoint error upon my Squadron returning to England (as there isn't realy much to do there in WW1 :grin: ), also there was an error with the DiD Campaign a while ago where the German Squadron came across an error upon transfering to a new Aerodrome, (which required a patch I think) so it's not totally unheard of.


Easy way to work out if it's my install or if it's an issue with the campaign design would be for someone to make a RNAS-1 Campaign starting on the 10th of December 1917 to see if they get that error as well.


If it does turn out to be just my install I'll probably just wait until the Squadron transfers back to France and see if the missions start working again as usual.

Edited by MikeDixonUK

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Have two updates to add to this issue, first of all - when I try to actualy fly the error missions, the mission fails to load with the following screen:




After which it loads me into what seems to be the default CFS3 quick mission generator.


Second update is that this issue is resolved once RNAS-1 transfers back to France on the 16th of February 1918, as after that the missions generate as usual, so this is just an issue with the period between December the 10th 1917 and February the 15th 1918 being unplayable for an RNAS-1 Campaign.

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Probably a bug, suprising there's not more considering the colossal data in there, but we'll check , proably fixed in P4 anyway.

So ignore that date for now..

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The exact same thing happened to me. I was flying a campaign flying Sopwith Pups and my squadron transferred to Sutters Farm in England and I got the same error message. I enlisted a new pilot and started a new campaign.

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