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Flying sideways in Darwin

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I just had the strangest experience! i was flying a Strike mission with an RAAF Mk20 Canberra bomber and was on the run into my target, the infamous Comms building, when my aircraft started flying sideways. This made getting to the target impossible.


I went around and had another go, and as soon as i crossed onto the city tile, my aircraft lurched to starboard and started flying sideways again. The MiG-19 Farmer following me did the same. His forward motion suddenly became tangential, like he had flown into a glass wall and was skidding along the surface of it.


you can see form the screen grab that the wingtip vortex is not aligned along the line of the aircraft, but the tangential line of flight. Do the laws of physics change over this tile? Any ideas?




Wing vortex along the line of flight.


I am using a merged SF2 install of all four titles with EXP1 and 2, flying on the Modern Darwin Terrain. (This is the first hassle i have had with this great terrain.)

Edited by harryleith

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should have done a "save mission" ... so I can check WHERE the issue is happening. The only places on the map where that might happen is at Bengoi, and maaaayyybe Soema. Makassar is plenty far inland, so that shouldn't have been it.


The easist, simplest fix is to extract the FlightEngine.ini from the FlightData.cat, and make this adjustment to the world settings ...










that gives you an extra 45km out from the original Wall. (it being originally set to 80000.0)


EDIT: forgot, it's the line that says "Border=" that gets changed. Remember, it's a GLOBAL change, and will effect ALL terrains. Some for the better!


Whilst you have the FlightData.cat extracted, it'd be a good idea to drop the HUDDATA.INI into your /Flight folder as well, and do this, add the section below (you'll see it goes at the top):






with the commented out section, you'll have the FULL screen de-bug, and it'll give you the target coordinates (and buttloads of aircraft flight information). The best thing is, you can switch it on or off either by swapping the comment lines (the 2 // slashes), or just hit Alt/D when in game unti it turns off. Then, you can hit Alt/D again, and bring back the 2 displays on the bottom (and the radar screen in the upper right, if you use that.


The screenie below explains what's what.



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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sorry Wrench, I didn't think to save the mission. As for flying to the edge of the map, would the game place the target outside the map boundary? I flew straight from the IP towards the target and started the tangential stuff on the straight run into the target.


I will see if I can replicate the problem. Thanks for the help.

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the game won't place a target outside the map boundries ... some other idiot may have gotten a bit close :whistle:


Bengoi, and the nearby refinery are pretty much at the 'stock' map limit.


do the World Edge Fix ™, and that'll take care of it.


note to self: come up with someting that shows at The Wall that says "Here there be dragons", visible from altitude



kevin stein

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