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Rarely mentioned VC Recipient

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Oh yes, a brave tale indeed! I gave a go at a few of McNamara's missions in Egypt in my MAW/OFF set up. Had to substitute the BE2 for the Martinsyde but it was still quite exciting.



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Now how and why have I never heard of that? Great heads up UKW.


I know about loads of German aces, who didn't seem to actually do very much remarkable, but I've never heard of Frank McNamara VC. Hermann Goering comes Nazi Reichmarschall and I could tell you all about him, but yet I never even knew about Frank McNamara, who went on to work with the National Coal Board.


As you say, it's boys own stuff, right down to dropping 'modified' howitzer shells because there weren't any bombs left. You couldn't make it up.... :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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Sounds unbelieveable - to repair an aircraft engine under attack,

whilst being defended by a single wounded pilot with only a revolver???

Edited by Olham

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