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SFP2 download section .

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I was wondering if it possible to have the download section for SFP2 organized the same way as the SFP1 to make it easier to find the files. This is just my opinion. :grin:




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I have ask it some month ago... :blink:

The result you see in the dl section.

Edited by Soulfreak

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When we get a lot more files I will do it. Right now its not worth the effort to make a catagory which may only have a single file in it.

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When we get a lot more files I will do it. Right now its not worth the effort to make a catagory which may only have a single file in it.


Thanks gentlemen for you hard work..:good:





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But if you create the SF2 catagories now, it's less work in the future when you do fill them.


Plus it will be easier to find the SF2 files if they use the same folder structure as SF1 versus now where you have to search through page after page to find what you are looking for.

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Eventually, when we have time and inclination, it'll be done, just not right now.



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Listen, and this is for the OFF guys too. I dont like getting in there messing with the download section database. I have done it a few times and one time it took Erik weeks to fix what started out as a simple task. It turned into a monster. The forum software IMHO is very quirky. Right now, everything is working prefectly. If I go in there and start messing with crap it might crash the system and I'm not going to incur Erik's wrath. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. So you have to navigate a few pages, big deal. Once Erik has time we will get together and I will show him what we want, I'll have him set up the section and I'll populate them. ETA = 2 weeks.....

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