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Aircraft Templates?

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How can you determine which templates belongs to which aircraft's .LOD?


Under SF1 (which I assume I can use the templates for use on SF2?) there is TWO different F-4E templates.


One is from "drdoyo"


The other was uploaded by "BUFF"


I believe the one uploaded by BUFF is the stock SF1 F-4E Phantom? The one uploaded by drdoyo, I'm not sure which aircraft it is for?


Is there templates for SF2 F-4E or like I assume, you can use the SF1 templates and use it for SF2?


I am trying to do color skinning patterns, but since templates are use with specific aircraft .LOD I do not know which one belong to which to test if my color skinning is correctly made.


Thanks for any help you can provide.

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can't use 1stGen templates with NextGen (SF2) aircraft. So far as I've seen, with the exception of the C/F-104s, they've all be remapped.


Unfortunately, even after several requests on the 3W Forums, it's very doubtfull we'll see template from TK. Which leaves us making our own; not a difficult task if one is used to working in multiple layers, and knows how to draw (or I should say, re-draw) the panel and rivet lines. It's just time consuming. It takes me about 6-12 hours to redraw each skin map. And I'm no Sundowner ... so mine are a bit 'imperfect'.


As to determing which _bmp (1,2,3,4,or 5) goes with what part of the plane, that's pretty easy to figure out. Obviously, there's the body, tail, right & left wings and sometimes the nose. There's a really handy file, called the 'panel finder' that helps determine what goes where when the model was 'unwrapped' during LOD creation. It should be here someplace, probably in the 1stGen skin templates downloads section. If not, you can get it from simmerspaintshop.com


Best way to repaint a color (say, a Scooter using the IDF camo to an only 2-tone desert brown), is simply create a new layer ABOVE the original color, and fill in the parts unwanted (the greens in that case).


Is it safe to assume you've extracted the ObjectData cats with all the various and sundry skins? If not, you'll have to do that. You'll see each skin is named to go with each specific lod (ie: A-4F_74_BODY.BMP, etc). Again, it's not diffucult; just time consuming



kevin stein

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I'm uploading some "basic" SF2 F-4E and F-4B templates as I type this. :grin:

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The Master of Skinning has Spoken..


with MANY thanks, Ant!



kevin stein

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Thanks for the great info.!


Wrench... Yes, I have already extracted all the ObjectData Cat files. Creating new skin via a new layer... cool to know Salute.gif


Sundowner... Thank you for downloading the templates. Can't wait to see all the NEW Phantoms you and Ravenclaw did good.gif



Thanks again gents!


Now to figure out how to do the true skinning stuff grin.gif


Happy Holidays to the Community!

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