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I modified a few stock campaigs in order to play the red side with them.

Now, when you start the campaign and check the map, you will see that by default the red

side has hardly any data on the blue air units.


I found out that this can be remedied by adding this line to blue air and ground unit entries

Intelligence=XX (with XX being 20 to 80 usually)


Now I was excited about the idea of putting Intelligence=100.

Because I would like to have some more feedback when an enemy unit was badly shot in previous mission.

But even at intelligence 100 it says: unit strength: 15+ (estimated) regardless.


Is there any way to show the enemies exact unit strength on the map?

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i would likely say not, as in anytime you will not have an exact count on enemy strength. hell half the Migs and tanks destroyed on the ground during Allied Force/ Kosovo turned out to be wooden mockups heated to simulate infrared signatures for NATO targeting pods. personally i was unaware you could get intel on the otherside in map, wonder if it transfers to SF2 tis capablity

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>wonder if it transfers to SF2 tis capablity

It does, every stock campaign has it set, but only for the blue side point of view.


I was playing operation kadesh last week and got the egyptian airforce in full retreat in the lower left corner of the map. Still every enemy unit said 15+ (estimated) until they seemed to be gone a few missions later. Thus it seems to me the map can only say "healthy unit" and "dead and gone unit", and nothing in between? Which is not much feedback at all.


What I would like to see is the enemy unit reading "MiG-15bis; 5+ (estimated) combat ineffective", then thinking: that mast be the unit we decimated last mission.



Maybe wooden mockups should be a feature in SF1/SF2 too

"You destroyed all primary targets, but it was a failure anyways" ;)

Edited by gerwin

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That would be a real pisser:rofl:

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