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Ice Man

Beaufighter Mk1 - Battle of Britain skin

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Someone can create a skin about the Beaufighter Mk1 used during the Battle of Britain because I noticed there isn't one for this period.Thank you and merry Christmas to all!



Ice Man


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The Beaufighter MK1 was not in Service for the Battle of Britain it didn't come into widespread use until after the battle.

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Okay 25 Squadron which is the only one issued was equipped with Beaufighters later but during the Battle of Britain they where equipped with Bristol Blenheim 1F's and they where a nightfighter squadron. And as the Battle started in August and ended in September the crews would have had very little time to transfer across to the Aircraft.

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I think the most important thing would be having templetes, eh?? Since they arent' available, and the existing skins use painted on squadron marking .... also the sad fact that not too many people are skinning WW2 mods (what with all the FM issues in 08 level 1stGEns and SF2)....


Maybe a request for the skin over at the DAT site is in order???



kevin stein


edit: ok, just checked teh "Modlers Datafile: Beaufighter". If you have, or can get this book, I'd suggest starting on page 11 "into service".


3 airplanes at an OCU don't sound like an operation squadron in Sept 1940 to me. There's no mention of their use until AFTER full squadron workups, well after BoB ended

Edited by Wrench

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