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Afghanistan conversion

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I have a request for the modders. Can anyone convert the great A-stan terrain by Gepard available in SF1 download section to SF2 standards? I've tried to do it but all the tiles turned black. I followed the instructions from Knowledge Base. The .cat file was set to desert.cat. There's also another issue. When I wanted to take off from Bagram my FA-18F exploded. I noticed that all the aircrafts from my flight were standing in the same place. They were also facing a wrong direction. I had this terrain with targets upgrade available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/10486-afghanistan-terrain-new-targets-v15/


If you can't help me by converting this terrain can you simply tell me what to do?

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Afghanistan terrain is written for WOI, what means, that you need a WOI tileset. Desert tileset which is included in desert.cat will not work. Thatswhy black tiles.

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The trick when taking off from Bagram (solo flight only) is if you're pointing east, immediately turn left and taxi to halfway along the length of the runway. Even fully loaded the Fox Super Hornet will take off on full mil power (68%. But as Gepard said, you do need the WOI (I think SF2I would work too) and if you go to the downloads section there are his tile repaints that may help to alleviate some of the problems. Also these files may help too... copy and paste and allow overwrite.


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Thanks for help. I downloaded Stary's Israel tiles an they work fine. I think they're a bit too green but they're better than pure black.

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True as it would be nice if a real terrain modder (I've tried my own hand too) would go over this map some more but it's still good as it is ::smile:

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Does no one EVER look in the Knowledge Base???




The lack-of-tiles issue could have possibly been resolved by pointing to the IsrealME.cat, via the catpointer line. In a full-4 merged install, this should be no problem



kevin stein

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Ok, looking it over, the 'aircraft facing all the wrong way', is fixed by extracting the GermanyCE.cat, and copy/pasting ALL the Soviet_airbase***.inis directly INTO the /Afgahn terrain folder. You'll also need to extract the Desert cat, and copy/paste the Desert_airfield3 ini into the terrain folder


You'll also need to edit the main Afghanstan.ini, and REMOVE the callout for the EnviromentalSystem.ini, as this will cause all sorts of visual oddiets (this is normal with 1stGen EnviroSys's -- they don't work in SF2)

Like So:












EnvironmentFile= <--note removed ini callout



**note to self: get Lat/Long for map center, and add it to allow for proper dawn/dusk, stars, planets, and weather***


what I'm really surprised at is, the fact that game dosn't CTD due to the lack of a 'red' airbase anywhere on the map. Conventional 'wisdom', is you ALWAYS have to have =at the minimum= one base for each side. I had this issue with the MidWest USA map I made for FC's "Secret Mod" (the star trek one). Without a RED base, it would CTD all the time.

I'll look into adding a Talliwaker/Iranian smuggler supply base in the N/W corner



kevin stein

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Which works fine on my install (where I get my Afghanistan shots from) after modifying it near constantly, but a good tip for wishmaster1110

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I understand you Wrench but the problem is that I don't have a full-4 merged install. I only have SF2 and SF2E.

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Well, then tile-wise, I guess you're hosed. Stary's are a decent replacement. BTW, all the airbase regions need retiling to the 'AB tiles', as they should be relatively 'clear' of fields, trees, and etc.




even if you DON't have a full4 merged, REREAD my post again about the airfield inis. You already have everything you need (except the tiles)


Eric: I don't get the CTD on this map, when ONLY flying Blue (dumbass me HAD to try and fly a Mig!). Works a charm. It could, however, benifit from the AllowedMissionTypes= statements.


The LimitedNations=TRUE needs to be activated, and a new nations.ini written to match SF2 standards. That may also help. Those 2 are nothing fixes ... I can have those late tonight/tommorrow sometime (don't want to miss the return of "Primeval" on BBCAmerica tonight!!)



kevin stein

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I'd be lying if I knew how it works. In Exp2 I can fly Red or Blue aircraft with no problems (or KMD for that matter of course with Red set to Blue).


I do use the AllowedMissionTypes on my install, as well as limited nations. If I was a real terrain guru I'd have the WHOLE country done as there are some parts missing, particularly the area I was deployed to. But I figure Indo-Pak may solve that problem, which is fine since I've figured out the Mission Editor good.

Edited by EricJ

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I'm not sure about India-Pakistan..... Kabul and Kandahar are there, but "neutral"

(this is planningmpa3)


kevin stein

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Well may take some tweaking but it can be done... Though it would take some time still wouldn't be too bad, Jbad could be put in there too...

Edited by EricJ

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I'm not sure about India-Pakistan..... Kabul and Kandahar are there, but "neutral"

(this is planningmpa3)


kevin stein


The Problem is, that Kabul is not at the correct location.


Keep a little bit patience. When my Persian Gulf project is done i will do some rework on Afghanistan terrain. Promised! But the Gulf has first priority.

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Well DAMN!! Gepard, you're 100% correct.


Well, that's an easy fix .... just delet if from the targets ini, and retile the region. (*&^%$#@! .... and the map is completly finished, too. RATS!!! I cannot belive I made such a mistake...



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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I guess the coordinates for Kabul at your India Map with x=550, y 950. Thats could be little bit to close to the edge of the terrain.

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