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Voids In Sky - Nato Fighter IV

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I loaded up Nato Fighters IV and everything looks good except, there appears to be voids in the sky that open like triangles

more or less. They open up and slide across the screen and disappear to open again somewhere else.

Anyone else have this problem and is there a known fix?



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Yea, we are going to need a lot more than that to go on.


Screenshots, system specs, etc.



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First of all::::::


PLEASE!!!! Do Not Post in the Knowledge Base!!! It's for answers, only. Questions, go here, in the General or Mods/Skinning Forums. Thank You!! :grin:


I moved this to a more appropriate Forum.




Yah, definatly need a LOT more to go on here ... a screenshot is big help, too!!



kevin stein

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I think he is speaking of the overcast issue that Nato fighters has. Its a known problem in Nato fighters readme.

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I think he is speaking of the overcast issue that Nato fighters has. Its a known problem in Nato fighters readme.


That does indeed sound like my problem. I only notice it in the overcast sky.

I read the readme for NFIV but saw nothing about it in there. Does it go back

farther than IV?

Is there a fix for it yet?



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Is there a fix for it yet?




Yes....don't use the widesky overcast settings, as they cause clipping.

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