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Kfir and F-16A templates around?

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Hello simmers,

could anyone point me to blank templates for the SF2's F-16A and the Kfir stock aircrafts?


Ideally, both would be grey or bare metal.


Thanks for your attention

Edited by FrankD

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Hello EricJ,


thanks for your link, I didn't knew there were templates there.


However, I forgot to mention it in my post, I'm searching for SF2's templates so these won't make it.

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there are no templates availalbe for any SF2 aircraft. Unless you make them yourself (not difficult, just time VERY time consuming)



kevin stein

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Thank you for the (sad) info Wrench.


I've no knowledge to build a template by myself so I'll try to modify an existing skin without ruining it too much ;)

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tu peux au moins essayer d'appliquer une template sur un zinc de série 2

vu que tu t'attaques à deux avions apparus avec WOI, il est probable que les différences soient minimes, voire nulles

il faut juste vérifier que la convention des noms soient bonne

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Hey Sonny, what's up?

Thanks for sharing your experience, the templates in fact fits well. They are not as detailed than the default skin extracted right from the cat files but there are indications, so they are still a quite good guide.


By the way, would that skin, that you posted a preview of in another thread, be already available to download?







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no not yet

New skins I made are based on Mig Buster'svery nice work


They will be released soon, as they can be added to the existing TMF block 15 no drag chute model released with NF4 if I'm not mistaken

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Roger that, thanks for the information.

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oth, one can also only 'partly' redraw the lines, rivets, etc, where you're only repainting one color


(this is obviously still WIP, and 'just for fun'. figuring out HOW and what serials will be interesting ... half arabic, half engilish; based on the phantoms, freedom fighters and ali-cats)



kevin stein

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Well, your "just for fun WIP" looks very good. I tried to repaint too but the result really looked too cheap, rubbish, like a plastic toy.



Edited by FrankD

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