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Strange aircraft flight maneuvers

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I'm sure this is an old question, but I was unable to find an aswer by searching the forum. Anyway several aircraft in my WOE installation, all addon by the way have a certain issue. Aircraft such as the Bf-109G10 and Mig-29A by TMF will have the tendancy to fly at very low speeds and pitch up and down the entire time they are flying. And yes this only happens when they are not the aircraft I'm flying but rather the enemy or another friendly flight. I do currently have my flight control/model set to Easy, not sure if that has anything to do with it though.



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Moved to a more correct Forum, as it's stated this is for WoE




A lot of times, is just how the AI reacts.


In the case of the Messerschmitt, it may also be due to it not having had it's flight model rebuilt since 2006-ish, and need to be COMPLETLy redone for 08/SF2 levels


the 'hunting' may be caused by the AI trying to maintain position.


don't worry about .. it don't mean nothing <grin>



kevin stein

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