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Why i can´t see .JPG pics in SF2 series

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I just got a couple of days SF2: Europe and the Exp2 for it, i´ve been trying to add some .jpg format pics but for some reason all i got is a black screen and the mouse cannot be moved anywhere, forcing me to exit via ALT + F4 or task manager, i´ve been searchin on the kb and find nothing there to help me, so, is there a cure for this??? sorry if this has been asked before, but i haven´t been able to find the answer...



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Guest rscsjsuso5

i think it is your options.ini file in your mods directory and look for format=bmp and change to jpg . i'm just guessing but it would not hurt to try.

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I Checked that, and what i mean is on the main screen, hangar, and loading screens, all i have is a black screen and i´m unable to do anything with the mouse, is there any other place i should look for???

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did you edit the aircraft's main ini to point at the correct image???


btw, the options. ini is set stock from the factory to 'jpg', as are the dlls (for menu screens)


where are you placing the new menu screens? There is, by default, NO /Menu folder, so you'll need to create one.


also, do the STOCK menus work?? If not, could be a faulted install



kevin stein

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Stock menus are all good, i´m trying to install a mod and when i run the .exe all i have is a black screen, i have the last patch, now i realize i was wrong, to begin my problem is with SF2 and the Falklands mod, my apologies, but the problem is the same, if it´s SF2 or SF2E i still can´t see jpg format picks, since i was making some hangar or loading screens for an aircraft pack i´m working in, i can see the BMP pics but no JPG, sorry to have provided with wrong info, i can see jpg pick in windows environment, but not in the game...

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I have the same problem with Loading Screens.


I have taken screen shots (to use as loading screen for specific aircraft)and the game saves them in jpg format.


When I edit the aircraft ini to use as loading screen (AND type in jpg), I just get a black screen. (Screen shot is put into specific aircraft folder)


If I use windows paint to save the jpg as bmp and do necessary edit, then all is ok.

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Did you resize the jpg files to the same size as the rest of the stock menu screens?



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Did you resize the jpg files to the same size as the rest of the stock menu screens?





Yes, i did, in fact, i was using a made template, also my problem is ocurring with the Malvinas (Falklands) mod, there í`m even unable to pass the mainscreen menu, which assume is in .jpg format

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I have the same problem with Loading Screens.


I have taken screen shots (to use as loading screen for specific aircraft)and the game saves them in jpg format.


When I edit the aircraft ini to use as loading screen (AND type in jpg), I just get a black screen. (Screen shot is put into specific aircraft folder)


If I use windows paint to save the jpg as bmp and do necessary edit, then all is ok.



THAT, is exactly my problem, i will try to do a reinstall, since i ran out of tricks :)

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