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Who is the Pilot in this Picture?

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This picture is said to be German pilot Papenmeyer in an Albatros D.III OAW.


Norman Franks' "The Jasta Pilots" shows Papanmeyer has been in Jasta 2 (with 4 victories) and died in a Fokker Dr.1.

But in Jasta 2, I couldn't find any Albatros D.III OAW; and in OFF, Papenmeyer's D.III has a different skin.

But which aircraft/pilot does this picture really show?

The Eagle emblem should be known - does anyone know?



Edited by Olham

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Wish I could help you on this one Olham. Neat emblem though, and it should be done up and added to our OFF skins....hint, hint



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.Wish I could help you on this one Olham. Neat emblem though, and it should be done up and added to our OFF skins....hint, hint

Well, in a conversation with Paarma he once told me, that there are of course many more

interesting skins, which haven't been done due to the fact, that you can't have limitless

ace skins for each OFF Jasta; and so they only used the ones who lasted a bit longer

and/or had more victories.


But if your hint meant to be aiming at me - yes, I intend to do this one.

I only want to know before, who's craft, and which type of Albatros it really is.

Edited by Olham

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Caption for this picture from Osprey Elite Units 26, Jagdstaffel 2 'Boelcke', by



"On 11 November 1917 Ltn d R

Wilhelm Papenmeyer was posted

to the 'Boelcke' Staffel from

Jastaschule I, and he made his

first test flights in Albatros D V

2346/17 the next day. This

photograph shows Papenmeyer

in a beautifully decorated OAW-built

D III, which was captioned as 'The

Red Eagle' in his photo album. The

fuselage has been painted with a

densely mottled camouflage, in

common with a few other Jasta

'Boelcke' Albatros machines. Oddly

enough, Papenmeyer's flight log

shows no sorties in an Albatros D III,

only D V and Fokker Dr I aircraft. It is

possible this photo was taken at the

Jastaschule (Papenmeyer album)"

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Aaaaaha! That explains it! A pity it was only a school plane. Would have made a great fighter skin with that eagle.

Thanks a lot for your research and posting, elephant!


Did you contact OBD meanwhile, about your OFF DvD ?

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Yes, what a customer support by OBD! :ok:

Mark arranged a personal download option for me, for a limited time frame and now I have Phase 3 + essentials (DM, sounds) on and working.

I wasn't being able to do much flying though, due to RL obligations...just a couple of quick combats in an Albatros.

I just have to familiarise myself again with the CFS3 key commands and layout...It seemed kind of weird after all this time!

I want to start a Campaign ASAP but I don't have much spare time lately.

A bit ironic now that I finally have OFF!

Not to mention that the DVD is still missing... :blink:



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Wow, that's great news, elephant! I knew the guys would help! :good:


The key commands are in a chart made by Homeboy, available in the OFF General Help Topics.

I recommend to set up the "Controls" your own way ingame - press "Esc" ingame to get there.

And just ask, what you need to know - everyone will help.


For your Campaign, I recommend: Jasta 2, Bertincourt, September 1916, when they get the Albatros D.I

You'd fly with the Elite (Boelcke, von Richthofen, Ritter von Müller etc.), and would have just the right

amount of action; and many B.E.2c to train your shooting on.

I wish you more free time for OFF soon.

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Thanks, will do!

I have already done lots of homework and didn't have the slightest problem installing, configuring and mod adding to OFF. :ok:

Just bought HiTR and going to install as soon as the confirmation e-mail arrives...

BTW I found your avatar pilot...(Friedrich-Wilhelm Lübbert ) at this site:




but you'll probably be aware of it already...



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Yes, Flieger-Album is a phantastic site with lots of good stuff!

I only used Lübbert's clothes and pose though - the face in the clothes is me. :cool:

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PS: I just translated this touching excerpt from Wilhelm Lübbert's diary, as shown in "Flieger-Album":


(Lübbert was lying in hospital wounded)

Diary entry of Friedrich-Wilhelm Lübbert, 16 March 1918:


"But let me see, what I have here with me today." He unbuttons his

good old leather jacket (which to present you with this gift), takes off

his EK1, hands it to me and says "I wish to give this on you."

One of my greatest wishes had been fullfilled. I now owned (?) the

EK 1 and (...) the Cross, that our greatest and famous fighter pilot himself

had been wearing for years. That was something I really had not

expected. Two days later, Richthofen brought me the Flugzeug-

führerabzeichen [aircraft piloting badge].

This was last time I saw this great man. (...)


The tragedy later: Lübbert was half Jewish and could only be saved from

deportation to a concentration camp by his former comrades for a high price -

General Bodenschatz, former Adjutant of von Richthofen, arranged, that

Lübbert had to get sterilised.

Lübbert died at the age of 73 and is buried in Hamburg.

Edited by Olham

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Greetings! That is the Alb D3 OAW from MFJ III of 1917 with the crowned eagle emblem on the fuselage. Papenmeyer, although a member of Jasta Boelcke, used the aircraft.

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Do you have a source for that, Cappy? I can't find any D.III OAW for MFJ III in OFF.

And how comes, that a member of Jasta 2 flew a craft of MFJ III???

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Yeah, that sounds more like it. Do you know any other picture with that "crowned eagle" emblem?

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Here is another source, a website about model decals. Here is what they say;

plus the link::


Aircraft 5 – Albatros D.III (OAW) of MFJ III (sic), 1917.


This striking machine saw a crowned eagle painted on the fuselage,

the top half of which is sprayed in green.

Although not mentioned in the instructions, this was Ltn. Wilhelm

Papenmeyer’s aircraft. He was with Jasta Boelcke at the time, hence

the white tail, and never served with the indicated MFJ III.

He scored 4 victories but lost his life flying a Fokker triplane.


Interestingly the instructions credit this machine with a yellow

spinner and a tail devoid of any national marking.




Edit: In Elephant's excerpt from Osprey, this emblem or the craft is said to have been called

"Red Eagle". That brings me to the conclusion, that the decals are possibly wrong, and that

the black could have been red instead - red appears very dark in B/W photographs.

Edited by Olham

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