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Saitek Cyborg Evo

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Hey Everyone,


I'm thinking of upgrading from my Saitek basement bargain stick to a Saitek Cyborg Evo. Does anyone have this stick, tried it out, or have any impressions on it?


It's definitely within my price range in relationship to the number of games I play that require a stick. I'd love to get a Cougar HOTAS or even an X-45, but they're still a bit too pricy for me. Plus I like the ambidextrious features of the Cyborg Evo, because from time to time I like to switch hands (I'm left-handed, golf right, swing a baseball bat left, throw left etc.) I know, it's not realistic in the sense of flying an actual jet. But the Cyborg Evo boasts rudder control with a twist on the stick, so that's a cool compromise against a HOTAS when flying left-handed.


I saw it in a local CompuSmart the other day and made a mental note for the Christmas wish list if I don't get it before then. :D

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I've never owned 1 but they seem to get a decent rep.

They have had a bit of a problem with drift (not the only ones though - both TM & Logitech have too so I suspect MS changed something) but Saitek have updated drivers & brought out a deadzone utility.

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Yes, the deadzone can be quite irritating with the Saitek I currently own. In LockON, I fly a MiG mission and there's no issue. Then I fly an A-10 and the nose keeps diving. Tried trimming it off, but that isn't helping either. Just for the hell of it, after that I went back to the MiG and still no problems in that plane. :rolleyes:


Thanks for your post.

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I have one (for sale actually) Still looking?


I upgraded to an x 45 for the seperate throttle..


I love the EVO, and the fact that you can set it up right or left.



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I have one (for sale actually) Still looking?


Decca. I'm interested... I sent you a PM (Private Message.) Check your "New Messages" when have a chance.


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