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Gun/Weapon editor issue.

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Hello guys, been a while, i reinstalled my WoE and to my surprise i can't import any new weapons or guns to the .ini files, though i can open'em no problems.

I click on Import - click on the .ini file containing the info, but it just doesn't import'em.

So what to do ? Any idea ?




System : Windows 7

Program is in 98/Millenium Compatibility mode.

Community Weapons Pack installed.


Thanks for the help !


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What directory did you install the game into? Installing it into "Program Files(x86)" explains this behavior, as by default, Windows Vista & 7 prohibit you from editing files installed into that directory. Either install it directly to the root directory ("C"), or into your saved games folder. That way, you can edit it to your heart's content.

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Hum that explains it then.

Renaming or moving the folder itself from Program Files (x86) will make it work ?

Right now my root Disk is pretty full.

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Yes, you can simply move it. Renaming it will not help, as it needs to be out of the Program Files (x86) directory.

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That's done to help prevent the execution of malicious code inside of critical folders within Windows 7 (and Vista).

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Heya, so i moved the folder to Outside the Program Files area, and still no joy, does it HAVE to be on the root drive ?

I can't understand this, i had it in this drive before and i could change the values.

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Put the whole thing in a folder on you desk top; the exe, inis, whatever ... that's what I did with Winge7, and have no issues using the (assuming the 08 level weapons editor.) May still need to run in compatability mode -can't remember now-

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I can't just move it to the C:\ drive, it's already on 3 gigs free only.

And my WoE folder has like 8 gigs.

So moving there isn't really possible.

I guess i'll have to open each .INI file and put them in there by hand, one by one.

Thanks for the help anyways.

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