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OT MAW addon-Help please?

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Does anyone here have the Mediterranian Air War addon for CFS3?


If so, has anyone installed it in Win7 64?


It wont run the setup file to install

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I have it WM, but I've only ever installed it in XP Pro 64. Maybe a posting over at Sim Outhouse or another site with a large pool of CFS3 experts would give you the answer.



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It's ok thanks Lou...Ive sussed it :grin:

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How did you get it to work, WM?


Erm,,,,don't worry, I can't find my MAW files anymore :sad:.

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"Zatt's better! Vee hav to fight ze Warr here at ze Western Front - you Crumpetz cannot leave mee alone?!"

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"Zatt's better! Vee hav to fight ze Warr here at ze Western Front - you Crumpetz cannot leave mee alone?!"

We would never leave you, Olham. You Krauts provide us with such easy pickings:wink2:. It's just the thought of a flight in warmer climes.

Still, not possible now I've misplaced my files - I don't think you can download it anymore.

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"Damned - now zey vill all bee off for ze sun! Bathing in the Mediterranean Sea!!!

Hey, you guys - don't leave me here! Even ein Hun needz der Sun!

Perhapz der Türks let me hav ein Albatros?"

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Lou many thanks indeed :salute:. What is this "Checksum" they mention - don't remember that.

Olham, I will not dessert you, I need the target practise :lol:. With me it is OFF first but I recently thought about MAW and would just like to get it up and running again.

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Dessert me? How do you mean - viss raspberry sauce???

Quite fresh, der Häschen* - target practise! Huh!!

I'll vill teach you sometzink elsz: find ze target, before it shredders you!

And it vill be difficult to find me - I may be below your tail plane all ze time!

Perrfekt shootink distanz!!



(* Häschen = Bunny; German Jasta slang for a rookie pilot)

Edited by Olham

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What was the other great addon that Winder was a member of?...Battle of Britain one I believe?

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Forgive me father for I have sinned.....


I've stuck MAW on the PC.......... at WORK!!


If the business wasn't in trouble before it is now......


It was accidental. Honest. Well, accidentalish. I brought my external hard drive from home to backup the work PC and there was MAW just sitting there!!! What was I supposed to do? I thought, I'll just zap it across and see if it works. I reckoned not because the office machine is Win7 64bit, and the install was a backed up XP version, but in it went and it flies!!!! Woooohoooo!. And , er, err yes, it was lucky I had the right CFS3 disk in the office too.


Only thing is, I just copied it, not a proper install, and when I exit, (hey, I do do SOME work) I find it doesn't exit properly. It appears to exit, but when I play again it says there's one CFS3 already running. It's OK, the three fingered salute lets me shut down the CFS3, (ctrl+alt +del) but does anybody know why it isn't shutting down properly? Is it a 64 bit thing?


By the way, I've not been doing much flying lately, but I'd forgotten how good MAW actually is. Just love those Beaufighters.

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Flying at work could only be forgiven, if it was OFF, my son. That's 20 "Our Father in Heaven" and 10 "Ave Maria"!

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