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Will These Retards Ever Know When To Call It A Day

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Well said. Sadly it only takes one or two to try to turn the clock back. Got to be doomed to failure though surely.

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The trouble is not the cause. The crime is.


In example, here the basque extremists want to create a feudal state including no only the basque country, but also Navarre and part of France. It is no trouble, just freaks. I won´t jail nor hate anybody for that. But killing civilians? children whose fault is to be sons and daughters of military? A 70 y/o business man who was involved in high speed railways to conect the basque country with the remainder of Spain and a former socialist councillor who worked expending highway tickets.


Terror is soo regardless of politics. It is not an engagement in wich the Ts are justified by a political cause and act according to it. Any act directed at achieving any goal by killing innocents, breaching the peace and "terrorizing" is terrorism, and a crime regardless of the cause. I remember an anticastrist who put a bomb in a cuban airliner, killing all those aboard. While i think that Castro´s being still in power is a shame not only for Cuba, there is no way bto justify engaging anybody who is not a threat.

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I don't think it'll ever get back to the way it was. The vast majority of people in both the Protestant and Catholic communities are just sick and tired of conflict and don't ever want to go back to the way it was, especially after having a good taste of peace and quiet over the past few years.

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