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I have check to make sure it was converted correctly for SF2? Anyone, kind enough to tell me what I am missing? blink.gif

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Guess the Langoliers were hungry?


Sorry, couldn't resist...



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Jeez!!! FC, That's exacly what I thought!!! (insert munchy smilely HERE -> _ <-


Anyone, kind enough to tell me what I am missing?

How about a full Desert tileset?


How about try pointing it to the Desert.cat? As the terrain ain't got any tiles inclued the download, other than the roads.


A quick look a the folder will confirm this....



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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You're going to have to extract all the contents from the Desert.cat into the Persian Gulf folder. I had the same issue when I installed it and since I've done that it works fine.

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Thanks again gents.... rofl.gif I did not think about the Desert tiles... I place the terrain on the Israel SF2.

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This was sufficient on my full merged install:


Persischer Golf.INI:


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Yup, like PB said, you DON'T need to extract and move all that crap. A simple change to the cat pointer line is sufficent.


and if you're unfortunate enough to NOT have SF2 and it's desert terrain, in a pinch (and you're fortunate enough to have SFP1 at the 08 Level), you can copy/paste that terrain cat to your


C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Terrains


folder. Works a charm, as they say. Mind you , some editing of the 08 Desert terrain data ini will be necessary to activate the SF2 terrain shaders -- about 2.5 minutes worth of work, mind you.


How do you think I got the WW1 Palestine map to work in FE2???



kevin stein


"Work Smarter, Not Harder"

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I used the "Desert3_optimised tiles" It fix the problem but the blend of the terrain is not as great, the colors are off. Details are still great though...


I thought about using the SF1 "desert_tileset" But the tiles are basically the same with less details (but the color of the terrain is a better match, I think?).


I am thinking of adding the SF1 "Desert_and Israel2_ground_environment mod" However, I think it does not add anything to the Persian Terrain.


I even looked up your Desert2 "empty_desert" to see if I can add anything to it?


Thanks again for the information drinks.gif


Oh, yes... I do not have the SF2 Desert Terrain, bought all the rest except that one.





Edited by ace888

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you REALLY need the stock desert terrain -- 75% of the terrains available use the desert naming conventions and/or tiles.


You cannot use any other tileset if the terrain was built with the desert TE, UNLESS the creator added/imported/repainted ALL the tiles (the DesertStorm terrain is perfect example -- they match ONLY themselves, even though they have the exact tile names as the stock one.)


One of the main problems of the entire Persian Gulf region, is there isn't a tileset available that really comes close to what the terrain looks like. The DS desert (and ALL transitons therein) are far too blindingly white, the stock set is far too 'orange'; the real region is more brown, as seen in satellite photos, photos from folks here that have been there, and they're descriptions. The DS 'mountain' tiles would be the closest for say, the region between Iraq and Iran, with a fair amount of "farmland" (ie: grazing country), albit more akin to what one would see in the regions east of the Rockies in Colorado, Wyoming, the Dakotas, etc. Even the IsaelME would be wrong, the desert's a bit closer. (of course, this dosen't take into account places like the salt flats north of Busher, around Borrazjan, or the large interior desert regions S/E of Tehran or Saudi Arabia - which would be different yet again). That 'brownish' color extends all the way around the Gulf, right to Pakistan.

Example: the stock desert uses 68 tiles. My rebuild of the Iran/Iran map is now running ~160, of all type.


Gepards 'new' tiles DO match the colors/tones of the pre-existing STOCK desert tiles.

in the screenie below, you (well, almost) see the road tile matches exactly the standard desert.


If one ain't got access to either the SF2 or SF1 desert cats, one needs to do a little hunting around; the full stock tileset if readily available, if one knows where to look (hint: INSIDE terrains in the downloads section that are built with the SF Desert Terrain Editor)



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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I guess I have to upload my old SF1 if I want to enjoy the Persian Gulf terrain. Time to dig that old CD out... drinks.gif


Hope to see the great Iran/Irag war game from you guys soon! Not to mention the Indo/Pak game!!!!


Ahhhh the long 2 wks grin.gif

Edited by ace888

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forgot to mention...


in the Formosa terrain targets upgrade I did, since it uses the same Gepard airbases ™, you can use those airfield inis, and get parked planes.




easiest thing to do...install SFP1, patch to 08, copy/paste the Desert.cat into the folder with the SF2 ones, then extract the terrain, throwing out EVERYTHING but the





create a "Desert" folder in the /Terrains folder (might have to create THAT too) in whichever install you're using, drop the desert.ini and desert data ini in there.


Then, you'll need to EDIT the statements for the shaders in the data ini, bringing up to DX10/SF2 standard. If/When you get to that point, let me know, and I'll shoot you one already done up.


Problem solved (but, at some point you still might WANT to get SF2)


Iran/Iraq is in final testig ... check the screenshot thread for previews



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks again Kevin,


Just did all that... looks pretty good on the Terrain front, just flew a quick single mission on the Mirage 2000. So far no bugs all looks blended quite well.



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do you still want the SF2-updated Persian Guld data ini?



kevin stein

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Yes sir I do... pretty please lol.gif


What is the timeline of all the neat stuff?




Korean War



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I want to get the guys to start releasing aircraft for Indo-Pak soon; the terrain is complete


Iran/Iraq??? "2 weeks" :lol:


KAW? who knows ... major progress in being made on new birds, now that the prop issue has been fixed.



kevin stein


EDIT: forgot the data ini!! Back up original, then just drop this in

Edited by Wrench

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Muchas gracias...


Good news on the release...


Wow... it should be awesome!



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