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A question about the engines.

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Greetings to everyone.


First, forgive my English, it is not very good ...


I wonder if there is any way to start missions in First Eagles with the engine off. It is possible to make some modification to achieve this?



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well, control/I will it shut it off, and resart. AFAIK, there's no plans for TK in implement the 'blip switch'



kevin stein

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There is a "Blip-switch" option for a key stroke or controler button for the radial engines. But no way to start with engines off

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Yes, I know the option for turning on/off the engine (ctrl + i).

Usually, when the mission finish loading I turn off the engine, then wait a few seconds and turn it again to start the takeoff.

But I must confess that I feel a bit stupid doing this ... 1: off - 2: switch - 3: speeding ...

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I didn't like starting with engine off either.


But then I thought, it doesn't add much realism to a flight sim, especially a WW1 sim, just to hit a magic key and watch the prop spin, does it? Unless you are able to go through the whole drill, hitting keys or clickable cockpit switches to turn on the mixture, prime the fuel pump, like on Rowan's BoB/Wings of Victory - AND have a 3d animated mechanic standing in front of you telling you (how does it go now?) "Switches off, petrol on!" and then you repeating that and turning the fuel on, at which point he takes up the compression and then shouts "Switches on - Contact"; and after you click on the ignition and shout back "Contact!", he spins the prop and the engine splutters into life - well, unless the sim supports ALL of that, you might as well start with your engine running, really.


WW1 planes starting their engines without, at the minimum, a mechanic spinning the prop, just look hopelessly unrealistic. The CFS2 WW1 add-on 'Combat Aces' at least had some voice-acting of the above messages before your engine started with the 'E' key, ending up with the invisible mechanic wishing you good luck, which showed some imagination and was better than nothing.

Edited by 33LIMA

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Yes, I know the option for turning on/off the engine (ctrl + i).




No, there is a control that acts like a true blip switch (Ctrl+i will completely stop the engine), IDE when you push it (Blip switch key) and as long as you keep it pushed, the engine is off(actually its on but gives no power), when you release the engine starts again.


Quite useful for landings and taxiing. Check in your keyboard controls ingame. Its called "blip switch" :good:

Edited by Nix

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