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Radar range modification

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I want to change the radar search mode and lock on range for some specific aircrafts. For example I want to decrease the search mode range but I want also to increase the range in which I can lock an enemy aircraft in search mode. Can somebody tell me what changes should I make in aircraft's data?



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play whit these on the XXX_avionics.ini

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Thanks cocas but I have an another question. How can I modify the lock on range in search mode? For example, if an aircraft has 4 ranges in search mode 10,20,40 and 80 nm and the maximum lock on range is on 20 nm, how can I change it to be in 40 nm ?

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further down in the avionics ini .... it'll be come apparent (look for TRACK)



kevin stein

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Hello Tiopilos,


be advised that, in the Avionics file, changing the RangeSetting[#]=# Cocas mentioned will only affect the radar's "Display range" (that you can change by pressing Page Up/Down by default, not its "search mode range".


To affect the "'Search range", you have to modify the "SearchRange" and "SearchStrength"'s values.


Keep in mind that a setting of 100 in Strength mean that the radar will detect a 10m² RCS at its defined range (mentioned by TK himself iirc).


About the "lock on range" specifically, if your plane is using the Avionics70.dll, it's in the [RadarDisplaySTT] section,.

In it you have to modify the "RangeSetting", for example "=1,2,3,4" to be able to Lock at the ranges defined above with the "RangeSetting[1]=x" parameter and so forth.


Otherwise, if you are riding a plane that use the Avionics60.dll, it's "BoresightRangeSetting" paramater then, in the "[AvionicsData]" section.


Please also note, as you may already know, that Searchrange defined in the Avionics?ini only affect the player's plane, as the AI is using parameters defined in the DATA.ini.


Best regards

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60 ddls tipe










TrackRangeSetting=1,2,3<-----here for lock i think

BoresightRangeSetting=1,2<----for boresight lock


70 ddls




i think this were we should go.


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Oh, sorry, I mixed things, "Boresight" have nothing to do with "Lock mode", Cocas is correct, it's the TrackRangeSetting

Edited by FrankD

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Hello Tiopilos,


be advised that, in the Avionics file, changing the RangeSetting[#]=# Cocas mentioned will only affect the radar's "Display range" (that you can change by pressing Page Up/Down by default, not its "search mode range".


To affect the "'Search range", you have to modify the "SearchRange" and "SearchStrength"'s values.


I tried to verify what you said but when I modified the range settings the actual search range is also affected.


Anyway, Thanks guys, I will try to experiment with different values in these parameters.

Edited by tiopilotos

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Could you please describe how exactly you verified that the actual search range is affected by modifying the "Display range" only?


I bet a beer that while you set your radar's display range at 10nm, you'll still effectively detect targets way more further. grin.gif


As you radar screen will be set to display things only 10nm ahead, it's on your map that they will be displayed that far, and probably that Red Crown will confirm the detection too.

Edited by FrankD

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Could you please describe how exactly you verified that the actual search range is affected by modifying the "Display range" only?


I bet a beer that while you set your radar's display range at 10nm, you'll still effectively detect targets way more further. grin.gif


As you radar screen will be set to display things only 10nm ahead, it's on your map that they will be displayed that far, and probably that Red Crown will confirm the detection too.


OK, I will come back later with some screenshots maybe. I made some changes in F-4E. I selected display ranges at 10, 20, 30 and 45 nm and maximum lock on range at 30 nm. When the enemy F-5s were at 12' o clock at 50 nm my radar didn't show them. Some seconds later when distance was shorter at about 44-45 nm the radar showed them!




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I think that you are mixing things there tiopilotos.


Display Range is exactly what its name suggest, your radar will display (show) whatever detected up to that range.


If you set up your Search (or track) Strength and Search Range at, for example, respectively at 100 and 500, then you put a target 10m² RCS at 500km, you will actually detect it that far.


Now if you set up you Display Range at 500 Km too, great, you'll actually see it displayed on your screen.


If you haven't set it for 500 Km, you won't actually see on your radar's screen but that doesn't mean that this target ain't detected.


The opposite is true too. You could have a Display Range set for 500km but a Search Range and a Search Strength set to be able to detect a 10m² RCS target at 20 Km, it won't make you able to detect this target at 500 Km.


Do you understand what I mean? (English is not my mother language nor yours, that may make things difficult but this shouldn't be difficult to figure)

Edited by FrankD

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the greater the radar track or search strenght more the range it will get if display allow that to be seen that far his this you mean Frank?

Edited by cocas

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Yes Cocas, that's exactly what I mean. good.gif

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I think that you are mixing things there tiopilotos.


Display Range is exactly what its name suggest, your radar will display (show) whatever detected up to that range.


If you set up your Search (or track) Strength and Search Range at, for example, respectively at 100 and 500, then you put a target 10m² RCS at 500km, you will actually detect it that far.


Now if you set up you Display Range at 500 Km too, great, you'll actually see it displayed on your screen.


If you haven't set it for 500 Km, you won't actually see on your radar's screen but that doesn't mean that this target ain't detected.


The opposite is true too. You could have a Display Range set for 500km but a Search Range and a Search Strength set to be able to detect a 10m² RCS target at 20 Km, it won't make you able to detect this target at 500 Km.


Do you understand what I mean? (English is not my mother language nor yours, that may make things difficult but this shouldn't be difficult to figure)



the greater the radar track or search strenght more the range it will get if display allow that to be seen that far his this you mean Frank?



Now I become confused!

Anyway thanks guys, I will try to understand what you said by experimenting in avionics.ini with these parameters.


FrankD, when you say 10m² RCS, you mean that the aircrafts radar in SF2 can detect a target which has a minimum surface at 10m² ?






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well , as a friend with radars i will explain what i know


lets take mirage 2000-5's radar


aircraft_data.ini's radar code




RadarName=Thomson Thales RDY



RangeUnit=NM ------------------------- < could be changed to KM also

RadarAzimuthLimit=60 --------------- < used for angles of detect , its now on 60 degrees and you can change it to 120

RadarElevationLimit=60 ------------- < maximum target hight to detect , also by angles

RadarSearchTime=1.0 --------------- < no idea

RadarSearchRange=60 -------------- < search range is one of the most effective slots , so for great radars increase it

RadarSearchStrength=100 ---------- < increasing this slot to avoid high jamming


RadarTrackRange=42 ----------------- < i favor 200

RadarTrackStrength=100 ------------ < track strength , the higher the better tracking strength








HasRWR=True ------------------- < if True then you may avoid some missiles










avionics code

there is some thing you have to know before working on avionics radar code

and its


it means the radar's methods so this radar is multirole !

SEARCH = searching only for aircraft inside your radar's range

TWS = Track While Scan , used to track your targeted aircraft's path which inside your range

ACM = air combat mode , which used for dogfighting

GM= ground mapping , which used for surveying the ground units and everything on ground

so this radar have all the components to fly in all weather! ( i love it )





RangeUnit=NM -------------- > if you change the datat.ini code to km then you have to change this also or you will be confused


on of the best parts in radars is the range setting so have an eye here

you can add your own settings here also respecting the radar range or search range because you will use these settings during playing depending on your needs

all these settings numbers are in NM as we chosen this unit for our radar







the next 3 slots in red line must be the same as data.ini's code






BoresightElevation=-2.0 ---------------- > this change the lock on target altitude so keep it as it

BoresightAzimuth=0.0 -------------------- > same here





















now here is the chart that you looking for



RangeSetting=1 ------------------ remember the settings we've done up? chose one of them here or you can do it like this .... 1,2,3,4 so you perform all settings and you can lock on target from a the maximum range of you radar

ScanBeamAngle=7.5 -------------------------- > this is the visual beam its better to keep it as it because if you increase it then your radar will lock on other aircraft in pound and ignore your target








well , thats all you need for dogfight now

advice for you , dont use very high numbers for radars code because it'll make the dogfight very easy and u may lost the real game's taste



salute drinks.gif

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Hello Profi,


please check the Knowledge base, most entries are explained there.


For example, things like "higher the better" for strength is a very simplistic approach.


Another example would be "HasRWR=True < if True then you may avoid some missiles", which is actually not right (I could have wrote "not true" but that may have been confusing). RWR stand for "Radar Warning Receiver", it will only tell the AI, since we are in the data.ini, that they are "painted" by a radar.


To make it clearer about Data.ini versus Avioncis.ini, put simply, the first is for the AI, the second if for the human player. You could have a very different radar for the player if you would want it that way.





what I said is: "Keep in mind that a setting of 100 in Strength mean that the radar will detect a 10m² RCS at its defined range (mentioned by TK himself iirc)."

It's simply a standard, you can still detect smaller targets but not that far, or bigger target further away.

For example, let's say that I read a source saying "The RDX radar is able to detect a target with 10m² RCS at 111Km".

To be able to detect a such target at that range in game, I simply set my SearchRange at 111Km and my SearchStrength to 100. Evrything with a smaller RCS than 10m² will be detected closer than 111 Km and everything will be detected at bigger distance than 111Km.

Of course an enemy ECM would degrade my own ability to detect targets at long range.

Now, you have to understand that having your radar to detect a target and having that target shown on your radar display as a blip are two different things.

Imagine that your are in the pampa with a buddy, that you asked him to draw on a A4 paper sheet whatever he see and the scale must be 1cm for every 100m. Now, let's say that your buddy have eagle eyes and that he see things at 4 or even 5 Km (5000m) away. He isn't able to draw, to display, them on the paper sheet since it's off the scale but he's seeing them, he have detected them anyway. Also, if you give to your buddy a giant poster sized sheet of paper, enough to draw, to display, things at 100 Km away, that won't turn in Superman able to see, to detect, things that far.

That is the very same with your radar.

I wish I could speak your own language to make things clearer. ;)

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To make it clearer about Data.ini versus Avioncis.ini, put simply, the first is for the AI, the second if for the human player. You could have a very different radar for the player if you would want it that way.

hey frank

well sorry that was confusing me , theres 2 radars codes one in data.ini and the other one in avionics so i thought both fro same purpose

thanks a lot for clearing that

now i have to back for my saqar-15e radar grin.gif

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What is 10m² RCS and how this is connected with SearchStrength?

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Hello tiopilotos,


Radar cross section (RCS) is a measure of how detectable an object is with a radar. A larger RCS indicates that an object is more easily detected.



In reality, the RCS is very aspect dependent (the RCS would be smaller when the plane is seen head on than seen on his side)


Ingame, the RCS is simplified as it's single value based on the 3D model LOD size.


Now about the connection between SearchStrength on this 10m² figure is the game data is normalized so if the radar strength is at 100, it detects 10m^2 target at max range. If radar strength is less than 100, then it can only detect larger RCS than 10m^2 at max range, and if strength is higher, it can detect smaller RCS target at max range, etc.

(from TK: http://bbs.thirdwire...?p=48745#p48745)

Also, the strength modifies the RCS required for detection at max range, so strength 100 = 10m^2, 50 = 20m^2, 25 = 40m^2, etc...

Does it answer to your question tiopilotos?

PS: something important to keep in mind: "the max range range setting , say at 160 NM, (...) is the absolute max range you can detect. The radar will not detect anything at 161 NM no matter how big the target RCS is. Target with small RCS can only be detected at shorter range than max range setting."

Edited by FrankD

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