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Hello modders,


would you know where I could find high resolution skins (1024*1024 at least) for the following AAM?


  • AIM-9P(an AIM-9N or J would fit)
  • R.550
  • Super 530-F
  • R-27R

(Of course, I've checked existing weapon packs)


Best regards

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Then i think you´ve gotta do em by yourself.... :dntknw:

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Hello modders,


would you know where I could find high resolution skins (1024*1024 at least) for the following AAM?


  • AIM-9P(an AIM-9N or J would fit)
  • R.550
  • Super 530-F
  • R-27R

(Of course, I've checked existing weapon packs)


Best regards


The R.550 , you can find it here - http://combatace.com/files/file/7842-falklands-war-era-weapons-mini-pack/

as for the Super 530F i think it came with TMF's Mirage 2000

as for the R-27 http://combatace.com/files/file/9250-hd-russiansoviet-aams-for-sf2/


i hope it helps

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Hello Silverbolt,


thanks for posting the links.


From the Malvinas pack, I faked an AIM-9P by using the G's very neat skin. The R.550's skins is nice but 512*512 only so it become blurry at our today's resolution.


The 530F that come with the TMF's wonderful 2000 is in fact an "old" skin from 2006 and is in 512*512.


However, I didn't knew the third mod and it looks great so I thank you again for posting it. thank_you2.gif

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I wanted to mention something about the Super 530 missiles (both D and F versions). As I can see mostly from users pics posted here and there, the most common weapon model which is being used is the white model which comes with the Mirage 2000 AdA pack. After many launches against enemy aircraft, I have to say that the kill ratio is surprisingly dissapointing plus it's very slow! Only about 20% of the launches in short ranges hit the target! I think this is a very low kill ratio even for the real Super 530 which is designed to hit targets at medium distances (Maximum range about 40 km according to wikipedia and ther sites) with much higher kill possibility with a speed of almost Mach 4 in high altitude!


I know that several factors affects a missile shot but in compare with the older blue model which comes with the ordnance pack, things are very diffrent. The blue Super 530 is incomparably effective and faster. According to my experience (I am a Mirage F.1 / Mirage 2000C fan) the blue missile (both versions) achieves at least 3 kills out of 4 shots in ranges at least 12 - 15 NM. I don't say that the blue missile is closest to the real one because I don't know but I think that it's more closer than the white model.


I was wondering if we could make the white model more accurate with the real missile.

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I have already installed this weapon pack but it doesn't include Super 530 or any other medium range missile which can be carried by Mirages.

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However is there any "upgraded" white Super 530 or the only effective is the blue one?

Edited by tiopilotos

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tiopilotos, compare the data ini's, it looks like the "white one" might be missing entries for the sustainer moter.

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