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And I've been waiting all these years...but I was only 3...and wow...I just...damn...grrrr...I GOT SCREWED! This was even before Falcon I think, for the Comodore 64.







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Now there's a classic :lol: reminds me of my F-19 Stealth Fighter days. Look how far we've come.




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Now, if only they'd redo the game... and add in all the surface and air warfare too.

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Try Sub Command and check out the mods at www.subsim.com

They've done great things for this sim...it's still tough to learn.also look at Silent Hunter2 while there. Just for you sub skippers. :D

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Man, that brings back memories. :lol: I had this one for the Commodore64, it was a good game. Back then ANY Microprose game was a sure hit. Gunship, Stealth Fighter, man, those were high-tech! :lol:


And you were 3 when that was out?? Man I'm old...

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Hehehe, yeah, I know what ya mean jeff. This sprout was 3 and I was about 30! LOL!


Two of my old favorites for Naval combat were/are Great Naval Battles of the North Atlantic", WHICH I might add is still available, beleive it or not thru these people... http://www.navalwarfare.org/ for $20 in a "package" of 9 other old games/software. I loved this game cause you could not only "go strategic" and manage your forces and their deployment, but once contact was made with enemy surface forces, you went "tactical" and slugged it out.

The other favorite was "Complete carriers at War" by SSG which is also still available from their website. It was something like Avalon Hills' Flattops which was probably my favorite board game of all time.


*sniff* dang... :roll:

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