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Can i do this and not get in trouble?

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can i do this and not get in trouble beacouse off forum polices

If a 3rd party model his already made but its a very big pack or standalone mod like for exemple F-117 or Su-25 can i make mi onw 3d model skin etc and to get in trouble for that?

Second way around if a aircraft his stock in say SF2E or I only and i want one a mod for stand alone instal of SF2 or SF2V can i bluid one from the ground up?

im aks this beacouse im not sure on forum policies on this matter.

Thanks in advance for any reply


i just don want to step in any body´s toes whit my ideas and plans



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Skins and ini edits are ALWAYS allowed.

Full aircraft mods are allowed; proviso: IF the creator if the aircraft is a Freeware signatory, all you need is making sure you spell his name right. IF not (like TMF), get permission from a rep of that team, and make sure that's stated in the readme.

IF said aircraft is NOT readily available (DAT), don't include the LOD. Give information on where/how to get it.


For example, on my recent F-4D LORAN mod, using all mppd's decals, the LORAN rack, and the stock 3W F-4D_67. Even though the -4D LORAN is in the SF2V War Expansion pak (albeit with a different skin)


The 117 is a special case, and I don't think it's allowed as a seperate release, only in ODS


If one want's to go through the whole process of building a complete new aircraft form teh groun up, no one's stopping anyone.


OTH, if it's mod of something stock, that's only availabe in one version of the sim (example: Mirage III only in SF2E), it'll only be usable in a Full-4 Merged install, that MUST be stated. Look at some of my reads, in the 2nd or third line form the top.


An example would be my MirageIIIO, for the RAAF -- you need a Full-4 merged for the lod (SF2E) and for the cockpit (Shahak from SF2I) (these havn't been released, btw, as TMF is working on the correct physical model for both versions)


To put it another way: the onus is NOT on the modder to make sure the End User has all the parts necessary for the add-on. We ran into this very same (non)issue for KAW and Indo-Pak. KAW will require at the very least, a Full-4 merged install, WITH Expansion Pak 1, as that's where the MiG-15 comes from (unless the aircraft is replaced by a new-build). Same for India-Pakistan -- full-4 merged with exp1, as the Mystres come from SF2E(/I?), the Vampires from Exp1.


bottom line: if people don't have the needed bits to run the mod, its on THEM to have the proper game installs to do so. That's my opinion as modd builder, NOT a CA Rep. We build for what we have, and let other catch up



kevin stein

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Wrench question about the mod requirements esp. for the upcoming mods. what besides the desert terrain does SF2 have that Vietnam Europe and Isreal don't have? and if the desert terrain is the only issue won't we be able to ini edit the CAT pointer line in the {terrain}.ini? like for older terrains such as snowy norway?

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yes you point the cat to outer terrain cats but only sf2e and sf2v in sf2i the terrain has very diferent bluidings you also need a title set for your terrian ods title set whould work great for wath aircraft you migh be missing check the manual on Sf2 main dir i might need some from sf2 but an 5 second ini edit might just he trick the outher way around his much hard since many aircraft are not in SF2.

clear daddyairplanes im sure wrench can put this lot better then mi but just tryng to help.

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well, the desert tileset comes right to mind.


SF2I is the odd duck .. it don't match anthing else (tilewise), but all the 'usual suspect' buildings ARE there, plus a boatload of terrain specific items


as to cat pointers, that's why I always list the other (except IME) in my terrain mods. As to snowy norway :dntknw: don't have it anymore, but iirc, it was built with/from WoE tileset.



kevin stein

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as to cat pointers, that's why I always list the other (except IME) in my terrain mods. As to snowy norway :dntknw: don't have it anymore, but iirc, it was built with/from WoE tileset.



kevin stein



snowy norway uses desert. had to hit ya up on advice in afghanistan whn my runways didnt show up. thats when i learned about catpointing


all of the above being said so i will probably want to get the original SF2 if i want to use the upcoming mods(KAW, etc)

Edited by daddyairplanes

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I did a BUNCH of reworking of the Afghanistan terrain for EricJ; it's now more of a 'modern' style terrain (meaning: NOT during the Soviet timeframe, but post-2003), with desert-style runways, some retiling and other work. More of a minor overhaul


maybe I should upload it?? EJ, if you're reading this ... opinions, please!



kevin stein

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I did a BUNCH of reworking of the Afghanistan terrain for EricJ; it's now more of a 'modern' style terrain (meaning: NOT during the Soviet timeframe, but post-2003), with desert-style runways, some retiling and other work. More of a minor overhaul


maybe I should upload it?? EJ, if you're reading this ... opinions, please!



kevin stein



will you upload the bunch of reworking of the afghanistan terrain? we need it man

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