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Hi everyone!


Is it possible on SF2 to enable a sound for:


"Bombs Release"

"fuel tanks/weapons release"

"Flares/chaff release"



And is it possible to make the RWR play the TRACK/LOCK warnings for Heat Seekers Missiles??? (i mean the same sound for SHAM & SAMS, not different, i know you can only have one TRACK/LOCK sound for RWR)



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With sounds, you can't have a sound for anything that doesn't have a sound hard coded into the sim. So no eject or chaff/flare unfortunately.

As for Bombs release, IIRC you could make it into a missile (but with no engine or booster) and make the launch the sound of a bomb dropping off the aircraft. This would of course create several other issues (i.e. guidance, _DATA.ini classification etc.)

This method could not be used for the fuel tank, so you're out of luck there.


As far as I know, there is no system on the planet (in the real world or this sim) that can detect if you are being "tracked" by a heat seeking missile. That is one of their main advantages...being passive. As for the launch of a heat seeking missile, in real life there is a system called Missile approach warning system (MAWS) but that just detects a launch (i.e. not necessarily a launch at YOU and not necessarily a heat seeking missile). That being said, the game engine does not support such a system.


So unfortunately it's all bad news, sorry. :sorry:



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Hi Dels

A really nice way of telling "bad news"... xD

Thanks a lot for spend your time on answering my question.

Now i will go to my room and cry in the loneliness cause i cant enhance my sounds....


hahahah xD

P.D: All my life i thought heat seeking missiles could be "detected"... maybe some movies in my childhood are the guilty of it! xD...

Thanks for the MAWS explanation... now im very happy with not having a sound for heat missiles in the game... i allways like to make the sim a real thing.

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Maybe ask TK @ thirwire-forum, if he will implement these sounds....

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There is a "nasty" way of having flares sounds. Im spanish so i´ll try to explain how i did it on english.

In the weapons editor, copy any of the rocketpods.

Copy the mk24flare

Edit the copy of the rocket pod, eliminate the 3dmodel (or you can type here the name of any countermeasures pod you want to show on plane)

Edit the copy of mk24flare: edit sounds,( i have a sound for flares release), and the "booster" you have to place a value under 0 (example: -5.0)


The issues: You have to select the flares as a "rocket" when flying... so... forgot the "quick release" of flares... xD

And i think it will not have any effect on avoiding missiles... i have to check it...

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Forgot to tell: Edit the copy of Mk24flare, the "inflight effect" you can put there the "flare" effect you use.

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Usually it's to me analyzing the opposing AI behavior. If I get a "He's firing a missile!" with no lock it's usually a heater. If I get a lock tone and "He's firing a missile!" that means to me a radar guided missile.

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Forgot to tell: Edit the copy of Mk24flare, the "inflight effect" you can put there the "flare" effect you use.


Does it still work as a decoy with this technique?

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Does it still work as a decoy with this technique?


Unfortunately, FastCargo is right.... its only a "show" effect, cause its useless in gameplay... x(




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I thought something and it works...

I deactivated the effect for the "real" flares... then... i use the Logitech G940 to play, and it has buttons really close... in this way, i can press 2 buttons at the same time easily, so i launch at the same time a "real" and my "fake" flare... so i have the sound effect and the countermeasure working... xD

I know its really "dirty" stuff... but its good for me, its only an idea... xD

Hope it will help you

Edited by PvtDK2

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Just a suggestion... why don't you remove the effects of the fake flare and leave the original flare effects instead. That way you will be able to see when the AI is using its counteremeasures.

Edited by The Trooper

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A new way to avoid using a weapon station:

You have your usual flare effect ¿ok?... by pressing your usual key, then we will create a new gun, that will be the "fake flare" that only plays the sound when its released, it will be fired with "Secondary Gun" key.




Create a new gun called "fakeflare"... and type on "Full name"..... "Flare"

Set values to 0... it does not matter, but in "RPM" set it to 1, reliability to 100 and the sound of cannon, type the name of "flare release" you want, and the" gun fire effect", "gun effect name" and "tracer" must be deleted.

Then go to "xxxAircraft_data.ini" and, in "Fuselage" add a new "SystemName" and call it "fakeflare"... example:
































MaxExtentPosition= 0.97, 0.66, 0.195

CollisionPoint[001]=-0.90, 0.66,-0.91

CollisionPoint[002]= 0.940, 0.66,-0.91

CollisionPoint[003]= 0.923,-3.74,-1.17


CollisionPoint[005]= 0.00,-6.54, 0.195

CollisionPoint[006]= 0.921, 0.66, 0.193

CollisionPoint[007]=-0.921, 0.66, 0.195
























SystemName[023]=fakeflare ----------------------------------------- this is new


Then go to "internal weapons" section and under it... place a new entry like this:







MuzzlePosition=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ----------------------------- you can play with this values to make visible a fire effect in the place you want, then you go to gun editors, and in "gun fire effect" type "RocketPodEffect"...

LightPosition=0.0, 0.0,0.0 -----------------------------... and you will see a "flame" when you release the flare... im going to try with the same values of real countermeasure.


MaxAmmo=30 ------------------------ this is the "fakes flares quantity"... must be the same of real flare's number


MinExtentPosition=0.0, 0.0, 0.0

MaxExtentPosition=0.0, 0.0, 0.0


Its done...

Then go to game and use the "double button pressing" technique (1.- Fake Flares pressing secondary weapons fire button and 2.- real flares button at the same time) and you got it... the sound of flares... and the flares working.

What do you think?


Just a suggestion... why don't you remove the effects of the fake flare and leave the original flare effects instead. That way you will be able to see when the AI is using its counteremeasures.


I thought that after wrinting that comment, hahahahah, thanks anyway... xD

Edited by PvtDK2

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Thanks Wrench!... i dont use to use SF2 to play WWII... so i had no idea that you discovered this for another idead you had... anyway, it did not take me so much, i only spent this noon on wornking on it... so i did not loosed much time.... xD

Thanks again!

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